Invocations, Pleas, Hymns and Other Homage to HER:


To the Goddess named --- Mariamne
An alternate name for Marienna Who is linked with Mary

Mother Ocean, Jeweled
Womb, alight with Lady
Luna's splendor, crescents
dancing upon your supple
skin, beloved light
as Your gentle lips
kiss the breath of Cardea,
welcome me,
into Your salted birth waters!

Be with me this hour,
and always, Blessed Mother!
Abundant and ever
changing, fertile,
Universal Chalice of Life!
Accept me into Your embrace oh Mother,
that I may hold within my own
womb, Your churning,
and bountiful creative
That I
may bring forth life

in Your light!

Spring's Sea Nymph, Fruitful
Mother provider, cleansing
Winter's Storm Crone --
with Your powerful tides push
me forward, into the Life
Dance, that my spirit may
swim the many waters of the
universe! And when my
dance is done,
my Mother,
sweep me from Your shores
and bury me,
within the linen of Your womb,
deep within the blue,
to nourish what is to come,
until it comes time to cast my
shell, upon the sands of
Time once more.

Cardea, perhaps this is a reference to Her dominion of the winds, qv Cardea.

Invocation to Mariamne by Laurel Curtis from Thesmophoria's New Moon May Eve, Vol. 11, No. 8 9990/1990 a.d.a.

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