Facilitator of Holladay Paganism, publisher of Her Cycle of Transformations, artist, poet, musician, computer nerd, madwoman, lunipeer counselor, etc.
You have a copyright, as everyone, but please give me credit for the concept, acknowledge my intellectual property rights, etc.
I am putting this information together, in this particular way, because it is information I want to have for myself, and because I want to access the information in this particular way.
I am not a scholar. In the beginning I didn't even make reference source notes. Now I do because lack of them caused frustration when trying to check up on something. Sometimes I'm pretty certain the information I'm recording is faulty, but am unsure how to make this clear. I've tried to keep myself separate from my sources, but there are probably times when I haven't remembered, and times when I haven't succeeded.
I hope the whole concept amounts to something radical and inspiring for some of you.
Please comment, correct me, send more info., help me if you can (I dont think the rest of my life's long enough to complete this project).
madwoman -- Usually diagnosed as some sort of schizoid type -- paranoid schizophrenic; hebephrenic schizophrenic; psychotic schizophrenic, etc