LACINIA, L1KYNY1, [`She-of-Laconia'].
Greek: from Her temple near Croton.
Ety: perhaps related to Lakaina, a Laconian woman. L. Lacaena.
Source: EB/Hera.

LAETITIA, LITYT(poss TS)Y1, `---'.
Abstract idea; personification of allegory. GRARE/9.
Laphria, L1FRY1, `The-forager'.
Alt. mean: `She-who-wins-booty', `{She-with-the-spoils}'. Greek: Aetotia: Artemis-LAFRIA had Temple at Calydon. Patrae.
Ety: perhaps related to Gr. lafu(psilong)ria, spoils. Spoils may refer to war as well as to the hunt.
Title of ARTEMIS/x `High-source-of-water' as:
Goddess of the animal queendom; [perhaps] Pursuer of the sacred king.
TWS: animals (wild and domestic) and fruits burned together on a huge fire at Her festivals. EB/Artemis; WEMS.
LAJJA, L1JJ*, `Modesty'.
Goddess of good behaviour [ie. male idea of female good behaviour].
Son: Vinaya by consort Dharma.
The pot-bellied Goddess.
Consort: Ganes(h)a.
LAMPETE, L*MP]TA, `She-who-illuminates'.
Alt. mean: `Brightness-of-the-year'.
Ety: Gr. lampein, torch, to shine. Related English words: lamp, lantern.
Goddess of the Sun; Gaurdian and herder of the Sun's cattle; Harnesser of the sun's horses.
TWS: poplar; amber; horse.

LANKINI, L1NKYNE, `She-of-Lanka'.
Hindustani: esp. Lanka.
Tutelary Goddess of Lanka. Perhaps title of NIKUMBHILA/x `---'. HDH/161.
LAODAMEIA, L*OD*MA1, `Tamer-of-the-people'.
Probably the title of moon-priestesses.
Consort (some say also son by Zeus): Sarpedon; Son: Evander. TWS: apple.
Consort Protesilaus prob. mortal sacred king with whom She performed a sacred marriage.
GMv2/57, 304; WWGRM/137. þ Astydameia, oSTD*MIo, "Tamer-of-the-people". [should eventually be with Laodameia - She here, or Astydameia there] Greek. ~ Mother of Laodameia "Tamer-of-cities". Source: WWGRM/137.
LARA, L*R*, `Progenitrix'.
Ety: Derived English word: tutelary (having the position of protector, guardian or patron, esp. protecting or watching over a particular place or thing) from L. tutelari, a gaurdian.
Mother of the public, and perhaps of the domestic Lares; Mother of the Manes.
TWS: Festival Larentalia, Dec 23.
Consort Mercurius, God of speech.
LARENTIA, short form for ACCA-LARENTIA/x.

LATAI, LïTI, `Prayers'.
Those who follow after Eris, `Strife', undoing the harm She has caused.
Roman transliteration variant: Latae.

LEIMONIADES, LAMONY*DAS, `Those-of-the-meadows'. Greek. Ety: from a(psilong)imo(mega)n, any moist, grassy place, a meadow, mead, holm. NUMFAI/x of meadows.
LEMNIA, L]MNY1, `{She-of-Lemnos}'. Greek: Lemnos. Title/Name of a bronze statue of ATHENE, `Immortal-one', so called because it had been dedicated by the Athenian Aleruchies in Lemnos. In this She was represented, without arms [military?], as a brilliant type of female beauty. EB/Athene.
LETHE, L]3A, `Forgetfulness'. Alt. meaning: `Oblivion'. Greek. Ety: Related English word: lethargy, latent. Eponym of the underworld river. Son: Dionysus, as God of the Vine. *** Daughter of ERIS/x `Strife'. *** The following Goddesses are also said to be Mother of Dionysus: DEMETER/x `Barley-mother'. DIONE/x `Queen-of-the-bright-sky'. PERSEFONE/x `Destroyer'. GMv1/57; WWGRM/141.
LEUCIPPE, translit. var. of LEUKIPPE/x.
LEUCOPHRYNE, translit. var. of LEUKOFRUNE/x.
Leucophryne, LWKKOFR8NA, `---'. Non-Hellenic: from Magnesia in Thessaly to magnesia on the Meander. Goddess of nature. TWS: zebu. Icon: Her representation on coins exactly resembles EFESAIA [`She-whose-court-is-highest'], but Her worship was more Hellenic. Also called Leucophrys.
LEUKOTHEA, LWKO3E1, `White-Goddess'. Translit. var. Leucothea/x. Greek. *** DANAE/x `She-who-judges' may be identified with Her. Perhaps to be identified with SAMOTHEA/x `White-Goddess'. Equated with UNI/x [`Dove'] by the Greeks. Greek name INO/x `She-who-makes-sinewy'. GMv1/157.
LINDA, LYND1, `Binder-with-linen-thread'. Rhodes. Ety: Perhaps from linodeousa, binder with linen thread. Spanish, linda, beautiful. Italian, linda spruce, neat, elegant. Goddess of fate. Aspect of the triple DANAIDS/x `Those-who-judge'.
LITAVIS, LYT*VYS, `---'. Gaulish Celts: Roman times. Consort: Mars-Cicolluis. CM.PM/49.
LO-SHEN, LO-$]N, `Lo-Divinity'. Chinese. Goddess of the Lo River. DWDLRM/4 (and more see index).
LOROP, LORéP, `ÄÄÄ'. Micronesia. A similar Micronesian Goddess is called NOMOI/x `---'.
LOUHI, LWHY, `---' Finno-Ugric. Northern Finland, or Lapland. Lady and Protectress of Pohja (or Pohjala); Sorceress; She whose house is full of wizards, magicians and soothsayers; Commissioner of the Sampo (a magic talisman); Raiser of tempests; Unleasher of scourges; She who is able to banish the lights of sun and moon; Unleasher of the Cold. TWS: cavern (in which She shuts up the sun and the moon). NLEM/300, 302.
LUAIA, LWI/\, `Purifier'. Greek. Goddess of purification. Title of ARTEMIS/x `High-source-of-water'. Also called, or var. LUE/x `---'.
LUCETIA, LWKETSY1, [`She-who-gives-light']. Alt. mean: `Light'. Roman. Goddess of celestial lights, especially the moon; Deity of the day of the new moon (kalends). TWS; flower. Icon: carries a child in Her arms; two more at Her feet; one hand holds a flower. Title of IUNO/x `Shining-one'. Perhaps a ver. of LUCINA/x `She-who-brings-to-light'.
LUCIA, LWKY1, `Light'. Christianised Roman. The name under which LUCINA/x `She-who-brings-to-light', was canonised as a saint; Matroness of eye-sight. TWS: [eyes and sight]; candles. Festival Dec. 13. Icon: She holds Her eyes in Her hand or on a salver. Anglecised var. LUCY/x `Light'.
Lue, LWA, `---'. Greek. Alt. name or var. of LUAIA/x `Purifier'.
Lyce, LÜKA, `---'. Greek. {spelling may be incorrect}. Daughter of Literses. One of the NAIADS/x `---'.
Lynks, L8NKS, `Wryneck'. Greek. Perhaps title of HERA/x `Our-lady'. Perhaps title of IO/x `Exalted-Moon'.
Lysippe, LÜSYPA, `She-who-lets-loose-the-horses'. Ionian. Goddess of the moon and matriachal societies; Ancestress of Amazon tribes; Law-giver; Foundress of Amazon cities; She who is aflicted with divine madness; She who assaults travellers with Her sisters. TWS: horse; half-moon shaped shields (which the Amazons carried). Son/lover: Tanais. Consort: Melampus. Title of IO/x `Exalted-moon'. Daughter of STHENEBOEA/x `Strength-of-cattle'. She who instituted the worship of Artemis-TAUROPOLUS/x `Bull-slayer'. GMv1/234; GMv2/124-5.