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Phyllis, Leafy.
[to Whom the seventh day of February, day 037, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Greece: Hellenic. {Perhaps from Thrace }.
Linguistic Note: Greek orthography phi-upsilon-lambda-lambda-iota-sigma, (phyllis), From Greek phi-upsilon-lambda-lambda-omicron-nu, (phyllon). {I wonder if it is perhaps etymologically related to Scandinavian Fulla, hand-maiden of Frigg}. Related word: chlorophyll.
Description: Nymph Goddess of spring, trees and the genetic knowledge contained in seeds -- especially nuts; Keeper of women's secrets; Source of poetic inspiration, healing and cursing; Bestower of sovereignty; Provoker of madness in those Who abuse Her; {She Who stands for all that the Greeness movement stands for, for She is Herself Greeness}.
To Whom Sacred: almond-tree, its blossoming branches (used festally), nuts (used festally -- {perhaps especially the filbert}), oil, and other properties (used medically); covered-casket (symbol of women's secrets); the number 9 (perhaps in the special sense of a nine-times circling dance, or circle dance performed by 9 women -- every year Athenians danced in honour of Phyllis and Acamas); the colours pink and white; {prussic acid -- obtained from bitter- almonds}.
The almond tree in Syria and Palestine produces blossoms (pink in the sweet, white in the bitter almond) in January, from un-leafy branches. In the Bible it is called: Shaked, 'Hasten'. The word Luz, which has been translated as 'hazel', is supposed to be another name for the almond. 'The rod of Aaron' was an almond branch.
Male Associates: son, Munitus, Single-Sheild by lover Acamas, Unwearying. Consort, Demophoon, Voice-of-the- People, or Acamas, his brother.

Source: BGH/243; EBv1/716b-d; GMv1/289; GMv2/348, 352; WWGRM/191.
worked on: December 1996; August 1991; February, June 1995
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