Linguistic notes: Related English words: bloom, blossom, flora (botanical term for the plant growth of a district), floral, flourish, flowers, flour. Her name became {but when? and by whom?} a popular term for prostitutes.
Description: Flower-bedecked Maiden Goddess of budding spring-time, blossoming fruit-trees, blooming plants, gardens, cereals, the vine, merriment, love and licentuousness; Embodiment of the flowering of all nature, including human nature; Queen of all plants including edible ones; She Who prevents wheat-rust; She Who watches over fruit-trees; `Lady of Pleasure'; Matron of prostitutes; secret Matron (or soul name) of Rome without Whose help the city would die; Eponym of the plant Queendom.
To Whom are sacred: all plants but especially bean; lupine; hawthorn blossom (also called: may, which is particularly associated with Her worship); nudity; obscene medallions; the blossoming of flowers which signifies beauty; the fruits of flowers which signifies wisdom; May-Day; maypole; ribbons; may-pole dance.
Festivals: April 28 to May 03 - the Floralia, instituted in 238 BC by order of the Sibylline Books, included theatrical performances, animal hunts in the circus, vegetables distributed to the people (the first day is the anniversary of the founding of Her temple). May 23 - a rose festival in Her honour, instituted by Pompilius Numa 715 to 672 BCE. Her priest is called: flamen floralis.
Male associate: Robigus, `[He-of-Blight]'. (linguistic note: robigo, `blight'). Some say that he, with Flora, is the preserver of corn and protector from blight. Some say he is dread and evil God of mildew, rust and causer of blight. Propitiated APR 25th with the sacrifice of [prob.] a rust-red dog.
Titles, Variants, etc.
Sources: COED; EBv10/528a; Graves GMv1 222, 258; GMv2/40; Kravitz WWGRM 59, 102; Larousse NLEM 210-11, 217; Monaghan BGH 109-10; Perowne RM 24, 43; Walker WEMS 316. (these references include some of CHLORIS).
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Linguistic notes: Related English words: those whose prefix is chlor- chloro- (light green) such as chlorine, chlorophyll.
Description: Goddess of flowers. Partially humanised in various Greek myths.
To whom are sacred: horse; the colours light green, yellowish; black and white patterns; [photosynthesis].
Male associates: Sons: Balius, `Piebald' and Xanthus, `Yellow' by consort: Zephyrus, `West-wind' (Carus, Favourius), immortal horses of Achilles.
Titles, Variants, etc.
Sources: EBv10/528a; WWGRM/59,102; BGH/109-10; WEMS/316; GMv1/222, 258; GMv2/40; OED.