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Februata, `{Queen-of-Love's-Fever}'.

[to Whom the second day of February, day 032, is dedicated, day 33]

Geography/Culture: Roman: perhaps Sabine of origin. Latitude: 42.10 Longitude: -13.55 (Abruzzi E Molise Region)

Linguistic notes: Although the etymology is uncertain of Latin febris, from which we derive febrile, febrifuge, fever, (and perhaps fervor) yet it seems likely it is related to Latin februum `purification', and februare `expiation', from which the Romans derived the name februarius as the year-end month of purification and expiation (before 450 B.C. when the calendar was changed), and from which we derive the name of the month February.

Description: Virgin Goddess of orgiastic rites and the passion of love; weather Prophetess; [She Whose call brings forth the animals from hibernation and stimulates the spring-time mating rituals for the preservation of species]; Eponym of the month February.

To Whom are sacred: [feverfew (febrifugia, `driver out of fevers')]; [ground-hog]; {spring-cleaning}; candles.

Festival: FEB 02. Orgiastic festival sacred to women. Perhaps also the Februa on February 15, a festival of purification, lustration and expiation. [These two dates may be a confusion of each for the other]. [Note: Am certain I remember reading somewhere that fig-branches were used in some ceremony of lustration relating to Juno, perhaps this was it].

Male associates: consort or male counterpart: Februus, an ancient divinity at some stage identified with Faunus whose feast the Lupercalia also occurs on Feb 15. {The same feast with two names?}. Son: Mars, `----'. Originally virgin-born (in patriarchal times fathered by Jupiter, `---').

Titles, Variants, etc.

Sources: Ref: Enc.RIEH/192; OED; EMEL; WEMS/306.

worked on: August 6, 1991.
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