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Fauna, `She-Who-is-Propitious'.

[to Whom the thirtieth day of January, day 029, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Roman.
Linguistic Note: the word may be related to L. fauere, to be favourable, or propitious.
Description: Ancient oracular Mother Goddess of earth, rural-life, fields, cattle and wild creatures; Protectress of women and the fertility of animal life, perhaps especially domestic animal life; eponym of the animals of a region or epoch.
Male Associates: Consort/brother: Faunus, `[He-Who-is-Propitious]', god of shepherds and farmers. Son: Latinus by Faunus, or by Heracles.

. Source: HG.HCM/103, 222; RHJ.HGM/328
Auxesia, `She-Who-Makes-Increase'.
Alternate meanings: `Waxing-One'.

Geography/Culture: Greek.
Linguistic Note: from Greek alpha-upsilon-xi-eta-sigma-iota-sigma, `growth, increase, especially of crops. However, one of my sources gives `Waning one' as the definition of Auxo.
Description: Goddess of growth of plants and agricultural fertility.

Source: IGEL/133.
Bona-Dea, `Good-Goddess'.

Alternate meanings: `The-Good-Goddess'.

Geography/Culture: Roman. A grotto in the Aventine was dedicated to Her.
Description: Goddess of earth, its productivity and fruitfulness; Matron of herbal healing; Protectress of women's virginity and fertility; She Whose oracles are granted only to women.
To Whom Sacred: myrtle; snake (according to one legend Her father, i.e: Faunus, ravished Her in the form of one); young pig (sacrifice).
Tabu: wine (or if used, it must be called "milk" and the vessel containing it, a "honey jar").
Festival: MAY 01, (dedication day of Her temple on the Aventine) - sacrifices for the State were offered to Her by Vestals and matrons. No men could be present at Her worship, nor might they hear Her name spoken. The ceremony was held at night.
Iconography: Festivals: She is represented with a sceptre in Her hand, wine-leaves on Her head, and a "honey jar" by Her side. Or: She appears as an old woman with pointed ears, holding a serpent.
Male Associates: consort/brother/father: Faunus.

Source: FWSDFML/154; HG.HCM/51; RHJ.HGM/326-7
Damia, `{Lady}'.

Geography/Culture: Greek: from Tarentum, Troezen > Rome.
Description: Maiden Goddess of agricultural fertility.
To Whom Sacred: olive wood (Her images were made of it).
Festival: She had a stone-throwing festival related to the fertility of the crops, perhaps called Dameia though this may be the name of a separate festival.

Source: EB; GB.JF.
worked on: October, May 1995; August 1991.
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