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Cybele, She-with-the-Axe.
Alternate meanings: She-of-the-Hair'
[to Whom the twenty fourth day of, day 236, August is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Asia Minor: of pre-Phrygian origin. Galatia, (Her strongest center in Pessinus); Phrygia; Lydia; the Troad; Cyzicua, a center of Her worship. She had a temple in Sardis. Two reliefs in the vicinity of Prymnessus, dating from before the middle of the 6th. c. BCE, form the earliest definite evidence of Her existence.
Linguistic Note: Her name is of non-Greek origin. Some derive it from a mountain peak called kappa-upsilon-beta-epsilon-lambda-omicron-nu, (Kübelon), or from a range of mountains, or from a city kappa-upsilon-beta-epsilon-lambda-lambda-alpha, (Kübella). Of interest seems kappa-epsilon-lambda-epsilon-beta-eta, (kelebe), 'a cup, jar'. See also
Kubebe Linguistic Note. It is said to be essentially a literary name, rare in inscriptions.
Description: Great Mother of Deities and of all living things; Mother of the blest; All-begetter; All-nourisher; Goddess of earth, winds, sea, woodlands and especially mountains; She Who is the animating energy of vegetation and its fertility; Guardian of humanity and its flocks; Healer of animals and little children; Inventrix of the flute, syrinx and tympanum.
Invocations, Pleas, Hymns and Other Homage to HER: Cybele.
To Whom Sacred: oak; fir/pine; heather; alder; pomegranate; violet; vine (one of Her images is-was made of vine-wood); lion; panther; wolf; bee; kingfisher (Her messenger); mountain; locks of hair (dedicated to Her); mad yelling (a feature of Her worship); kumbala (cymbals); tambourine; aulos (flute); krotala (hand-clappers, or castanets used in the dance); tumpanon (tympanum); perhaps torch (this may have been a Greek addition); mural-crown; seven-pointed star; lunar-crescent; black meteorite (in which She was incarnate).
Festival: Her festivals were orgiastic.
Male Associates: lover (and perhaps son), Attis. He is first mentioned about 340 BCE.
The Galloi, Her priests, were self-castrated in indentification with Her (or with Her lover/son Attis. The custom made its first appearance about 200 BCE and was probably of Semitic origin). The Idaean Dactyloi learned the art of forging iron from Her, their Mistress. The Corybantes were Her attendants. The Curetes became Her servants upon Her confusion with Rhea, .
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Title: Agdistis, ----, below.
- She is said to be identical with Aphrodite-Aineias, {Froth-of-Replication}-{She-Who-Merits-Praise}, Who is linked with Aphrodite, {Froth-of-Replication}.
- In Lydia, Armenia and Cappadocia, Anahita, Immaculate-One, was identified with Cybele, She-with-the-Axe.
- Ana-Hid, ----, the Persian form of Anahita, Immaculate-One, was also identified with Cybele, She-with-the-Axe.
- Some think that Astart, Immaculate-One, bears some resemblances to Her.
- She does bear resemblances to Atargatis, Opportune-Time, Who is linked with Derceto, {Great-Whale}.
- In some of Her functions Bona-Dea, Good-Goddess, (Who is linked with Fauna, She-Who-is-Propitious), is identified with Cybele, She-with-the-Axe.
- She is said to be analogous to: Cotytto, {Cup-of-Life}, Who is linked with Bendis, {Wave-of-the-Deep}, {though they are distinguished in Her Cycle of Transformations}.
- Title, from a sanctuary: Dindymia, She-of-Mount-Dindymon.
- Concerning Her in Phrygia, She is called: Ennaetes-Phrygies, {She-Who-Inhabits-Phrygia}.
- Ephesaia, {She-Whose-Court-is-Highest}, may be a form of Cybele, She-with-the-Axe.
- Concerning Her in Sardis, She is called: Epichorie, {Native-of-the-Country}.
- She is identified with: Ge, Earth, Who is linked with Gaia, Earth.
- See also Phrygian Idaia, She-of-Mount-Ida, Who is linked with Hindustani Ida, Benediction.
- A parallel form of Her name is: Kubebe, {Head}, below.
- Title, from one of Her sanctuaries: Lobrine, {She-of-Mount-Lobrinon}, below.
- See also Ma-Enyo, {Mother-Warrior}, (linked with Bellona, Lady-of-War), Who is identified with Cybele, She-with-the-Axe.
- In Rome She was known primarily as: Magna-Mater, Great-Mother. The Roman form of Her festivals was probably based on those of Phrygia. {do some research for Roman qualities.}
- An altar inscription calls Her: Matar-Kubile, Mother-Cybele.
- Title, from a sanctuary: Meter-Idaia, {Mother-Ida}, see Phrygian Idaia, She-of-Mount-Ida, Who is linked with Hindustani Ida, Benediction
- Title, from characteristics: Meter-Theon, {Mother-of-Motin} {? Motion?}.
- Mother of, or title, or alternate name: Nana, Old-Queen.
- An image previously referred to as Niobe, Snowy, (linked with Melia, She-of-the-Ash-Tree), is now identified as Cybele, She-with-the-Axe.
- Title: Potnia-Theron, Mistress-of-Animals, Who is linked with Orthia, Upright.
- Daughter of, or created by: Pyrrha, Fiery-Red, Who is linked with Amphictyonis, President-of-Neighbours.
- She was identified with, and Her name adopted as a surname of: Rhea, Earth, Who is linked with Pandora, All-Giving.
- Title, from river: Saggaro-Mater, Mother-Saggarius, below.
- Perhaps She was known to the Hatittes as Wursemu, ----.
- Other name/titles from Her characteristics, not cross-ref'd. qv GMG.GS 15 for Greek spellings:
- Antaie-Daimon.
- Daimon-Oureie.
- Mater-Autou-Dios.
- Mater-Megala.
- Mater-Obrima.
- Oreia.
- Orestera.
- Pambotis.
- Pampotnia.
- Pantoteknos.
- Polupotnia.
Source: GMG.GS 10-33; Kaster PCMD.
Agdistis, ----.
Geography/Culture: Asia-minor: Phrygia.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Some say this is a title of Cybele, She-with-the-Axe, from a sanctuary. Others, and more frequently, that Agdistis, ----, is an androgynous form of Cybele, She-with-the-Axe, Herself.
- Variant: Agdos, 1GD0S, ----.
Lobrine, {She-of-Mount-Lobrinon}.
Geography/Culture: Greek: Cyzicus, after a mountain in the area.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Title of Cybele, She-with-the-Axe, above.
Source: GMG.GS 12.
Kubebe, {Head}.
Geography/Culture: Anatolian.
Linguistic Note: This name, Kubebe, was commonly used for Cybele, She-with-the-Axe, by Latin writers as early as the end of the 6th century BC. It is perhaps from Greek kappa-upsilon-beta-omicron-sigma, (kübos), a cube, a cubical die (pl. dice), or from kappa-upsilon-beta-epsilon, (kübe), the head. {This probably isn't how it was spelt though. Try and check because the u may be a u, and then again, it may be a y. the k is very likely a c.}
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Variant: Cybebe.
- See also Hepat, Earth-Mother, Who may be a parallel form.
- Kupaba, ----, Who is linked with Wurusemu, ----, is perhaps the origin of this form of Her name.
Saggaro-Mater, Mother-Saggarius.
Geography/Culture: Greek: Galatia.
Linguistic Note: Greek Sigma-alpha-gamma-gamma-alpha-rho-omicron--mu-alpha-tau-eta-rho, (Saggaro-mater). Perhaps related to a(ta)n(e(ta), a large drag-net for taking fish.
Description: Goddess of the river Sangarius.
Male Associate: consort, Sangarius.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Title of Cybele, She-with-the-Axe, above.
- Possibly as the Mother of Nana, Old-Queen, Who is called Daughter of the river Sangarius.
Source: GMG.GS 12.
worked on: August, July, May 1995; August, February 1991; July 1990.
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