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Ephesaia, {She-Whose-Court-is-Highest}.
Alternate meanings: `{She-of-Ephesus}'.
[to Whom the second day of October, day 275, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Greek: Perhaps of Persian origin. Her seat was in the marshy Valley of the Caystrus.
Linguistic Note: from epsilon-phi-epsilon-sigma-iota-sigma (ephesis), 1) a throwing or hurling at. 2) (Law term) An appeal to another court. {The name is coined to give a name to Her Whose name is unknown, FW}.
Description: All nourishing, multiple-breasted Mother; Orgiastic Goddess of nature's productivity and {perhaps} of the moon; Great Foster-Mother of the animal and vegetable Queedoms.
She is associated with the Amazons who set up Her image in a tree, and are said to have founded the city Ephesus and build Her temple there. Her first image, in the familiar many-breasted form was said in the first instance to have fallen from heaven. It is conjectured the Amazons were originally Her temple servants and priestesses.
To Whom Sacred: date-palm {which Her image reminds one of a palm -- the palm is a birth tree}; bee (a frequent symbol on coins of the city Ephesus); rams; stag; lions; bulls; mural-crown; eunuch priests called Essenes; (or they were called megabyzoi and were under the control of a high priest called Essen); She had three classes of priestesses: the Mellierae, the Hierae and the Parierae (there is no evidence they were called Melissae as some suggest).
Festival: Ephesia, also called Artemisia, held in the Greek spring with games and contests.

Source: Graves GMv1 22.1; IGEL 337.
Leucophryne, ----.

Geography/Culture: Thessaly. A non-Hellenic representative of Artemis brought by immigrants of Magnesia in Thessaly to Magnesia in the Meander.
Description: Goddess of nature.
To Whom Sacred: zebu.

Thecla, Famous-One.

Geography/Culture: A shrine in Selencia, originally belonging to Ephesaia, She-Whose-Court-is-Highest, became that of Saint-Thecla. In the 4th century it was attended by a sect called Apotactics, (under a female deacon), which was subsequently declared heretical.

Source: WB.WEMS/990
worked on: September, June 1995; August 1991; June, July 1990.
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