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Hyades, Rainy-Ones.

Alternate meaning: Rain-Makers.
[to Whom the twenty-sixth day of May, day 146, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Greek: Mount Nysa.
Description: Multiple Goddess of the moon, rain and fertilising moistures.
Their number varies between two and seven, sometimes they are as many as twelve or fifteen.
Some of their names were:
Eudore, Generous. Phaio, Dim. Phaisyle, Filtered-Light.
Cleia, Famous. Coronis, Crow.
To Whom Sacred: honey (on which They were said to have fed the infant Dionysus, but it may record an intoxicant of spruce-beer, laced with ivy, and sweetened with mead (the nectar of the Gods, brewed from fermented honey) which was used before the introduction of wine); cave (in which they brought up Dionysus); the constellation Hyades (in the Taurus constellation); the rainy season (which starts when they, the Hyades, rise with the sun - May 07 to May 21).
Male Associate: Dionysus, the wine God. They were his Nurse-maids. He invented wine on Their mountain. Source: EB/Hyades; GMv1/104, 108; WWGRM/122.
Aithra, {She-of-the-Clear-Skies}.

Geography/Culture: Greek.
Linguistic Note: alpha-iota-theta-rho-eta, clear sky, fair weather. b, 1) in clear weather. 2) in the open air. 3) the clear cold air of night. Related English words: Aether (the clear upper air breathed by the Olympians); ether, etherize; ethereal, etherealize; Ethernet?
Source: IGEL/20.
Bacchae, The-Raging.

Alternate meaning: Inspired-One.

Geography/Culture: Greek.
Bacchantes, Inspired-Ones.

Alternate meanings: Raging-Women, [Riotous-Revelers].

Geography/Culture: Greek.
Male Associates: they formed the entourage of Bacchus, (a name which came to be applied to Dionysus); also said to be the handmaidens of Hades {and surely therefore Persephoneia?}; Source:
Bassarids, Little-Foxes.

Geography/Culture: Thrace
Linguistic Note: from bassars, `fox-skin', worn by Dionysus in his Thracian Mysteries. Source:
Bromie, Roaring.

Geography/Culture: Greek. Source: GMv1; WWGRM.
Macris, Tall-One.

Alternate meaning: Far-Off.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Description: Goddess of honey; Eponym of an island.
To Whom Sacred: [bee]; cave (in which She lived on Her island).
Male Associates: Dionysus, to whom She brought honey for food. Source: Graves GMv2 index; Kravitz WWGRM 146.
Maenads, Frenzied-Ones.

Alternate meaning: Madwomen.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Linguistic Note: probably from Greek mainas, raving, frantic. 2. a mad woman, especially. a Bacchante, Bacchanal, Maenad; said of the Erynnes and of Cassandra.
Description: The mortal priestesses of Dionysius. Inspired by him to ecstatic frenzy, they accompany him in his wanderings and carry out his orgiastic rites; Those Who in Their wild frenzy tear animals apart and devour the raw flesh; Those who dance with the wild abandon of complete union with primaeval nature.
To Whom Sacred: vine wreathe; fawn; thyrsus.
Iconography: They are represented crowned with vine leaves, clothed with fawnskins and carrying the thyrus. Source: IGEL/484.
Maeonides, {Those-Who-Search}.

Alternate meaning: Frenzied-Ones.
Linguistic Note: perhaps from a(mega)nai, to seek. 2. to endeavour, to strive. 3. to search, examine. Source:
Nyseides, Those-of-Mount-Nysa.

Alternate meaning: {Lame-Ones}.
Geography/Culture: Greek: Mount Nysa, possibly in Thrace.
Linguistic Note: {Or perhaps compilers note: If the element -ides is correctly translated as `children', or `Daughters', --see Atlantides--and nysa is `lame', an alternate meaning could be Daughters-of- -One, and Nysa might be Their Mother, the concept being a Mother and Her daughters; reasonable for a group of mountains, over all of which Dionysius might have ranged, ie, meaning perhaps wild vines grew there.}
Description: Mountain Nymph Goddesses.
In descriptive recognition of the ceremonies honouring Dionysus,
some say the names of the Hyades were later changed, to:
Bacchae, The-Raging. Bromie, The-Roaring. Erato, The-Passionate.
Macris, The-Tall. Nysa, The-Lame.
Some say these were the original Goddesses Who were later known as the Hyades.
To Whom Sacred: cave; honey; the constellation Hyades.
Male Associate: Dionysus, whom they reared. Source:
Suculae, Piglets.

Geography/Culture: Roman.
Linguistic Note: the Romans derived the Greek name Hyades from (presumed rough breath)-upsilon-sigma, `pig', and translated it as suculae, piglets. Related English word: according to the etymologiests succulent is not related though you'd think it might be.

worked on: June 30, 1990; August 6, 1991; August 12, 1991; May 1995.
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