Geography/Culture: America, South: Chibchas people of Columbia.
Description: Rebellious, light-hearted, wild and lovely Goddess of the moon, intoxication, passion, merriment, happiness and laughter; She Who lights the nights.
To Whom are sacred: owl; intoxicating juices (perhaps from the maguey plant); physical touch; moon-lit dancing.
Titles, Variants, etc.
Sources: AMWv1 81; NLEM 440-1.
Geography/Culture: Columbian: the Chicha people.
Description: Beautiful and wicked Goddess of the moon, magic and floods.
Male associate: consort, Bochica, ----.
Titles, Variants, etc.
Geography/Culture: South America: Chibcha Indians.
Description: Goddess inspirer of crafts; She Who opposes self-punishing self-restraint.
Titles, Variants, etc.
Source: BGH/144.