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Mut, Mother.
Alternate meaning: Vulture (in pre-dynastic times).
[to Whom the twenty-ninth day of September, day 272, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Egypt, especially Thebes where Her sanctuary was in use for 2000 years.
Description: Originally a vulture Goddess.
She became androgynous (Shehe was believed to possess both female and male reproductive organs); wing-armed Parent of the world; great and mighty divine Mother; Goddess of the sky; Caretaker of the dead; She from Whom the divine entities come forth; Protectress of motherhood; the Lady of Asheru; great sorceress; Mistress of Heaven; Eye of Ra.
To Whom Sacred: sycamore (in one work She is said to pour water from the sycamore tree over both the deceased and eris Ba, 'soul', (portrayed as a human-headed bird); papyrus scepter; vulture (vulture form head-dress is the ideogram of Her name); cow; lioness (She sometimes took the form of a cat-headed Goddess {presumably being then known as Ubasti, She-of-the-City-Bast}); horseshoe-shaped artificial lake; the united crowns of both Upper and Lower Egypt; ankh (symbol of life).
Festival: Annual celebration of Her marriage with Amon-Ra.
Male Associates: Consort: Ammon (Amen, Amen-Ra, Amon-ra, Amun-Re, Ammon-Re), solar deity. Son: Khons, moon god.

Ament, [She-Who-is-Hidden].
Alternate meaning: The-Westerner.

Geography/Culture: Egyptian.
Linguistic Note: amentet means the West, the land of the setting sun, where the dead assemble and wait to join the boat of the sun god Ra.
Description: She Who is the source of that mysterious and unknown power that causes conception in women and animals; Goddess of the dwelling place of the dead, and of their transformation.
Perhaps the true name of the Goddess Who offers the dead sustenance from a sycamore tree.
To Whom Sacred: cat; hawk; ostrich feather (ostrich plume and hawk was the hieroglyph for 'western', the province from which the Libyans came and whose normal ornament it was); uraeus, the coiled serpent; belly of a pregnant woman.
Iconography: Ament, She-Who-is-Hidden, is often portrayed with the crown of Lower Egypt.
Male Associates: consort, Amen, before he became Amen-Ra.

Source: BEAW.BD/194; IV.EM/19, 100; MAS.WWEM/7-9, 99; NLEM.
worked on: September, August 1995; August, February 1991.
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