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Laksmi, Sign.
Alternate meanings: {Omen}, Fortune.
[to Whom the fifth day of September, day 248, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Hindustani. Post Vedic.
Linguistic Note: {Possibly related English word: luck}. The English word 'luck' is not found in Anglo-Saxon, but comes from the Dutch luc, geluk, 'good fortune, happiness', thought to be allied to Old High German lokon, 'to entice, allure', (the Shetland word luck means, 'to entice, to entreat'). But the word's ultimate origin is uncertain, perhaps Scandinavian. Skeats EDEL, Partridge OSEDME, AHDEL. See also Alaksmi Linguistic Note.
Description: Goddess of good fortune; She Who stands for fertility of soil, abundance of crops, and the prosperity they bring; Embodiment of loveliness, grace and charm; Presiding deity of the magical lore called Padmini.
To Whom Sacred: lotus (especially the blue lotus); corn-basket full of unhusked rice (which represents Her); seedlings grown in a winnowing basket (in which She is manifest); seven lucky stations of the body from which Her gifts are bestowed (when She is stationed on the feet Her gift is a house, on the thigh -- wealth, in the genitals -- wife [sic], in the bosom -- offspring, in the heart -- the fulfilment of desires, around the neck -- contact with loved ones, in the face -- beauty and poetic fire: when She is stationed on or above the head of a man it is a sign of misfortune).
Iconography: Her image is often depicted on doors and lintels of houses to bring good luck and to avert evil influences.
Male Associates: Son: Kama, God of love. Consort: Vis(h)nu, or Indra, or Dharma.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Her sister, and opposite is: Alaksmi, Bad-Sign, She is linked with Jyestha, Elder-Sister.
- Title, or alternate name: Bhuti, Well-Being, below.
- Incarnate in and identified with Dharani, She-Who-Sustains., Who is linked with Prthivi, Extended-One.
- She is also called Indira, ----, below.
- Title Jaganmatr. World-Mother, Who is linked with Jagadhamba, World-Mother.
- Also called Kamala, Lotus, Who is linked with Mahavidya, Great-Knowledge. Woodroffe HGHK p26
- Some say Daughter of Khyati, KHY*TE, ----.
- Epithet: Ksirabdhitanaya, Daughter-of-the-Ocean-of-Milk.
- Transliteration variant: Lakshmi.
- Epithet: Lola, Fickle-One, below.
- See also Mahalaksmi, Great-Sign, Who is linked with Urmya, ----.
- She is also called Padma, Lotus, below.
- Some say She is the Daughter of Prasuti, ----, Who is linked with Svadha, Offering, below.
- She is associated with, and sometimes fore-titled: Sri, Holy-One, below.
- Identified with, or She is incarnate in: Sita, The-Furrow.
Source: : Stutley HDH 160; Woodroffe.
Bhuti, Well-Being.
Alternate meanings: Prosperity, Good-Fortune.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Goddess of prosperity.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Alternate name or title of: Laksmi, Sign, above.
Source: : Stutley HDH 47.
Indira, ----.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
To Whom Sacred: indiralaya, 'House of Indira', the blue-lotus from which She emerged at the creation.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Title of Laksmi, Sign, above.
Source: : Stutley HDH 166.
Lola, Fickle-One.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Epithet of Laksmi, Sign, above.
- Also called Cancala, C1NC1L*, ----.
Source: : Stutley HDH 59, 166.
Padma, Lotus.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Visible representation of the womb of creation; material aspect of creation; She Who is equated with the Tree of Life -- the Cosmic Tree; Source of wealth.
To Whom Sacred: the lotus (in Hinduism it is a symbol of the sun and creation, in Jainism and Buddhism, of perfection and purity because its flowers grow on long stalks high above the water, whilst its roots remain in the mud)); padma, (a 16 cornered plinth for images believed to bring good luck); the lotus-petal moulding at the base of columns (which denotes that a building, or image, is supported on an open lotus flower representing the earth which rests upon the waters).
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Title of Laksmi, Sign, above.
- The variant: Padmavati, Lotus----, is a title of Manasa, {Spirit-of-Mind}, Who is linked with Visahari, Remover-of-Poison'.
- Padma is also a title of Sri, Holy-One, below.
Source: : Stutley HDH 177, 215.
Sri, Holy-One.
Alternate meanings: Lustrous-One, Prosperity, Good-Fortune, Flame.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani. Perhaps pre-Aryan. Adopted by Buddhists.
Description: Golden, Resplendent and shining One; She Who is rdiant with Blessing Power; Goddess of soil, vegetal fertility and the food it produces; Embodiment of all good things desired by Deities and people; She Who does not withold Her gifts; She Who is associated with metres; She Whose possesions are: 'Store of good', 'Royal attributes', 'Universal Sovereignty', 'Royal rank', 'Power', 'Holy lustre', 'Dominion', 'Wealth', 'Prosperity' and 'Manifold aspects of beauty'.
As an honorific prefixed to particular deities, Her name is repeated two or more times to express great veneration.
To Whom Sacred: malas (garlands, in which She is said to dwell, hence wearing them brings good luck, prosperity and victory); rice cultivation (after Her death a rice plant grew from Her navel); lotus; elephant; dung; Srivatsa, 'Favourite-of-Sri', (a triangle, cruciform-flower, or whorl of hair, depicted on the chests of images of Krsna and Visnu).
Iconography: She is often depicted seated on a lotus between two elephants who pour water over Her from their uplifted trunks.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- This is a title of Durga, Inaccessible-One.
- She is sometimes regarded as Gauri, {Yellow-Brilliance}.
- Anyway She is one of the six varities of Gauris, Brilliant-Ones, Who are linked with Gauri, {Yellow-Brilliance}.
- Title: Karisin, K1RE$YN, Abounding-in-Dung.
- The name is strongly associated with, and often the fore-title of: Laksmi, Sign, above.
- Sasthi, {She-of-the-Sixth-Day}, appears to have become merged with Her.
Source: Stutley HDH 96, 285-6; Adi Da
Svadha, Offering.
Geography/Culture: Hindudustani.
Description: She Who is the essence of the offering due to the Deities; She Whose name is the highest benison when honoring ancestors.
Male Associates: Sons: Pitrs, Protectors, consorts: Pitrs.
- Daughter of Prasuti, ----.
Source: HDH/293.
worked on: August, May 1995; August 1991; July 1990.
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