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Urmya, `----'.
[to Whom the twenty-eighth day of February, day 058, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Hindustani: Vedic.
Goddess of the night; Protectress of sleep; She Who gaurds against thieves and invaders.
See also Urmya in the Goddess Anthology.

Source: Stutley HDH 313.
Kalaratri, `Night-Time'.

Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Goddess of time; Presiding deity of the night that follows the dissolution of the universe.
To Whom is sacred: noose (with which She ensnares Her victims).
Icon: She is black, half-clad, blood-bespattered, and carries a noose.

Source: Stutley HDH 136.
Mahakali, `{Great-Blackness}'.
Alternate meaning: `{Ultimate-Time}'.

Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: At the end of an age, at the dissolution of the universe - Goddess of wrath, destruction and the dissolution of the universe.
To whom are sacred: the tamas guna (tamoguna).

Mahalaksmi, `{Great-Sign}'.

Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: She Who embodies the three gunas (sattva, rajas, and tama).
Male associate: consort. Narayana, (Visnu), ----.
To Whom are sacred: the rajas guna.

Source: Stutley HDH.
Mahamari, `{Great-Death}'.

Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Goddess of disease; She Who is the personification of cholera.

Source: Stutley HDH 171
Mahamaya, `{Great-Illusion}'.
Alternatemeaning: `{Great-Wonderful-Skill}'.

Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Goddess of the transcendent power of illusion; She Who by the divine power of maya makes the universe appear real; She Who is immanent in the world; She Who becomes manifest when carrying out divine purposes.
To Whom are Sacred: {the senses (by which Her illusion is cognizable)}.

Source: Stutley HDH 171, 208
Nidra, `Sleep'.

Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Goddess of rejuvenating sleep {and dreams}; She Who is a treasure.
To whom are sacred: {bed; coffin}.
Male associates: She brings about the sleep of Vishnu at the dissolution of the world.

Source: Stutley HDH 170, 208, 311.
worked on: September, June 1995; July, February 1991; July 1990.
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