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Durga, Inaccessible-One.
Alternate meanings: Inaccessible.
[to Whom the twenty-seventh day of April, day 117, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Hindustani: perhaps especially Calcutta.
Linguistic Note: Linguistic Note: so-named for having slain the demon Durga. Some consider the name to be aboriginal.
Description: Ten-armed ferocious Warrior Devi of protection; Matron of yogins; Great Mother Goddess; She Who is associated with mountains, vegetation, fire and its cathartic properties; She Who sends sickness, terror and death from the jungle; She Who assumes ten forms, the first of which is Herself, in defeating the demons of Deities and humanity.
To Whom Sacred: lion (Her vahana is a lion); human and animal (goat, pig, fowl, sheep, water-buffalo) sacrifice; the colour red; the weapons held in each of Her ten hands (spear, sword); friday (until 1835, a boy was beheaded every friday before Her altar).
Festival: Churrukpuga; Durgapuja in autumn. Festival of Her Birth in the sixth Hindu month (parts of September and October). Navapatrika-navesa, 'Ceremony of the nine-plants' in autumn.
Male Associate: consort, Siva.
qv also "Hymns to the Goddess" for many more names.
Her Ten Warrior Forms are:
first -- Herself
second -- Dasabhuja
, {Devastater}.
third -- Simhavahini
, [Lion-Steeded-One].
fourth -- Mahisasuramardini, Crusher-of-the-Demon-Buffalo, Who is linked with Kundalini, .
fifth -- Jagad-Dhatri, Sustainer-of-the-World, below.
sixth -- Kali-Ma, Black-Mother.
seventh -- Muktakesi
, {She-Who-Gives-Release}.
(sometimes Mahisasuramardini is seventh)
eighth -- Tara, Savior, qv.
ninth -- Chinnamasta, The-Headless, Who is linked with Prajnaparamita, Wisdom-of-the-Yonder-Shore.
tenth -- Jagad-Gauri, Fairest-in-the-World, below.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Title, or alternate name: Amba, Who is linked with Ambika .
- Ambika, is a form of, or alternate name for Durga, Inacessible-One.
- Annapurna, Giver-of-Food, is a beneficent form of Durga.
- She is identified with Bagala, Who is linked with Gramadevata, Village-Goddess.
- Aspect Bahucharma, below.
- She is also called Bhadra, below.
- Title
, BH1T*RYK*, Noble-Lady.
- Aspect Bhima, below.
- Also called, Candi, Wrathful, below.
- Also called, Daksinakalika.
- Epithet (of Durga) Isana, Gauri, Yellow-Brilliance.
- Also called,
, World-Mother.
- Also called, Jatadevasi, Possessing-Wisdom.
- Also called, Kalika, , below.
- Title, Karali, below.
- She could be said to be the Daughter of Kundalini, qv.
- Epithet, Mahasveta, , Who is linked with Vac, Creative-Word.
- Epithet, or also called, Madira, qv Varuni .
- Also called Parvati, She-of-the-Mountains, qv Uma, Gracious-One.
- Also called,
Red-Roaring-Queen. Linguistic Note: Sansrit rud red (related English word: ruddy) and rani, Queen.
- She is identified with Sakambhari, qv Ambika .
- Sasthi, qv, is sometimes considered a form of Durga, Inaccessible-One.
- Title, Sri, Holy, qv Laksmi, Sign.
- Also called, Syama, Black.
- Also called, Uma, Gracious-One, qv.
- Also called,
, .
Source: Stutley HDH 75, 81-2, 316.
Bahucharma, Goddess-With-Too-Much-Skin.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani and Muslim.
Description: Goddess of eunuchs, both born and man-made.
To Whom Sacred: dance (by eunuchs, at weddings and birth-parties).
Titles/Variants, etc:
- A form of Durga, Inaccessible-One, above.
Source: S.F. Chronicle 09/27/83.
Bhadra, Auspicious.
Alternate meanings: Fortunate.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
- {Check out Bhadrakali under Uma}
- A title of Durga, Inaccessible-One, above.
Bhima, Tremendous'
Alternate meanings: Fearful, Terrible.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- A form of Durga, Inaccessible-One, above.
Source: HDH/45.
Camundi, Destroyer.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani: especially Mysore, where She is the tutelary Deity of the ruling house of Wadiyar, worshipped by the ruler himself.
Description: Destroyer of the asuras Canda and Munda.
Iconography: She is portrayed as an emaciated, terrifying old woman, robed in an elephant's hide and wearing a garland of corpses.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Variant
- Also called Candi, , below
- A form of Durga, Inaccessible-One, above.
- Title of Kali, Black-One.
- She is said to reveal Herself in the form of
, K9M*RE, ----.
Source: Stutley HDH 59.
Candi, Wrathful.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani. Pre-Vedic. She is especially popular in Bengal.
Description: Destroyer of the asura Mahisa.
Festival: Annual Durgapuja, which celebrates Her destruction of Mahisa.
Male Associate: Mahisa.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- She is called Camundi, The-Destroyer in Mysore, above.
- Variant
- Variant
- The fierce form assumed by Durga, Inaccessible-One, (above), to destroy the asura Mahisa {see HDH 174}.
- She is said to be identical with Kali, Black-One, qv.
- Sometimes Narasimhi, ----, is substituted for Her as one of the Saptamatrkas, Seven-Divine-Mothers.
- One of the: Saptamatrkas, Seven-Mothers, Who are linked with Annapurna, Giver-of-Food.
Source: Stutley HDH 59.
Daksinakalika, ----.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Linguistic Note: see Daksina, qv Athumla.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- A title of Durga, Inaccessible-One, above.
Alternate meanings: Mother-of-the-World.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Fifth of the Ten Warrior Forms assumed by Durga in which She destroyed an army of giants.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- See also Jagadhamba.
- Epithet of Parvati, `She-of-the-Mountains', qv Uma.
- Epithet of Sarasvati, `She-Who-Flows', qv.
Source: Stutley HDH 82, 122.
Jagad-Gauri, Fairest-in-the-World.
Alternate meaning: The-Yellow-Woman.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Tenth of the Ten Warrior Forms assumed by Durga.
Titles/Variants, etc:
Titles/Variants, etc:- Epithet of Parvati, She-of-the-Mountains.
Source: Stutley HDH 82, 122.
Kali-Ma, Black-Mother.
Alternate meaning: Black-Mother-Time.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Description: Sixth of the Ten Warrior Forms assumed by Durga.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- This appears to be a form of Kali, qv.
- The apparent variant Kalika, Black-One, is also an alternate name for Durga, .
- Durga is said to be the high-caste counterpart of Kali; Kali is born from the forehead of Ambika; Durga is born from the combined Kundalini's, (qv), of the Deities.
Karali, ----.
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- One of Agni's seven tongues of fire.
- Title of Durga, Inaccessible-One, above.
Source: Stutley HDH 142.
worked on: October, May 1995; August, July 1991; July, June 1990.
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