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Radha, ----.
[to Whom the thirteenth day of October, day 286, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Hindustani. Tantric.
Description: Creative, life-sustaining, auspicious, benevolent, loving and redemptive Goddess; Most beautiful of Gopis; She Who symbolizes romantic love, and the second principle necessary for duality; She Who is conceived of as the infinite love which is the very essence of Krsna.
Woman participates in the nature of Radha and man in the nature of Krsna; hence the truth concerning the loves of Radha and Krsna can be known only in the body itself and this knowledge on the plane of corporeality has a universal metaphysical validity.
Iconography: Radha and Krisna.
To Whom Sacred: [cows]; perhaps gopita (the name of one of the four species of wagtails, and regarded as birds of augury -- wagtails in England are often to be seen flirting about in the dungy mud of farm-yards).
Festival: the Radhastami, honouring Her birthday.
Male Associates: In some traditions: Consort: Krsna, Black, (avatar of Visnu) the shepherd. In other traditions, Krsna is Her lover (it has been suggested that he may have been an ancient God of cattle befor he became an avatar of Visnu). In traditions which conceive of Her as mortal, Her consort is: Ayanaghosa.

Source: C,PL.AM/144; O,C.BGPP/125, 129-30; M&J.HDH/101, 151, 242.
Gopis, Cowherdswomen.

Geography/Culture: Hindustan.
Description: Those Who promote fertility in cattle and plant growth by Their circular dances; Those Who surrounded the youthful life of Krsna; Those Who dallied with the youthful Krsna on the banks of the Yamuna river.
To Whom Sacred: the circlar dance (in which each Gopi imagines She holds the hand of Krsna); tumeric (balls of which they threw at Krsna to protect him from the attacks of demons); butter, curds and milk (which They sprinkled on Themselves, suggesting some kind of fertility rites).
Male Associates: Gopas, Cowherdsmen.

Source: S,M&J.HDH/101, 203
Yasoda, {She-Who-Devastates-With-Her-Beauty}.

Geography/Culture: Hindustan.
Linguistic Note: yaso in compounds for yasas, 'meaning beauty, worth', etc.
Description: She Who protects children from evil, molestation by demons, and guards them against childhood ailments.
To Whom Sacred: cow-tail (which She waved over the infant Krsna to protect him from the night-fiend); cow-urine (with which She washed the infant Krsna); dried cow-dung (which was sprinkled over Krsna's head by Her consort in some versions of the ritual).
Male Associates: Foster-son: Krsna. Consort: Nanda.

Source: S,M&J.HDH/66, 70, 347
worked on: September, June 1995; July 1991. add more from "The Book of the Goddess Past and Present".
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