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Dam-Kina, Lady-of-the-Earth.

Alternate meanings: Lady-of-That-Which-is-Below'.
[to Whom the seventh day of May, day 127, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Sumerian: Babylonia, especially Eridu.
According to Graves She is associated with Rhodes, before the Hittite Tesup, usurped Her, but Rhodes is a long way from Babylonia.
Linguistic Note: Either Mistress-of-the-household-of-Earth, or the simple Mother-Earth, might be better translations than the above. See Dame, linguistic notes, and Ki, below.
Description: Earth Mother; Goddess of the moon, water, earth and its fertility; {Pure Virgin}; She Who rests majestically with Her consort in the Apsu; She Who sends forth gifts; {perhaps} Mother of the Danaans.
To Whom Sacred: . grove.
Male Associate: son, Marduk by consort Ea, of Eridu, God of waters.

Source: Encyc Brit v8 788d, v17 557c; Graves GMv1 6 0.3, 93.1; Graves WG 371; Larousse WM 65-66; Monaghan 76; Pritchard ANEv2 2-3.

D'Mutha, ---.

Geography/Culture: South Babylonia: Manadean.

Male Associate: son: Hibal-Ziva, by consort Mana-Raba.
Source: Encyc Brit v17 557c.

Damgal-Nunna, Lady-of-the-Waters.

Alternate meanings: Great-Lady-of-the-Waters.

Geography/Culture: Sumero-Babylonian.
Source: Encyc Brit v8 788.

Dauke, ---.

Geography/Culture: Greek.
Linguistic Note: Greek orthography: &deth;aükn (Dauke).
Male Associate: consort, Haos.

Daukina, ---.

Nin-Ki, Lady-of-That-Which-is-Below.

Geography/Culture: Babylonian.
Linguistic Note: See Nin-Kharsag linguistic notes, and Ki, below. Source: Encyc Brit v8 788d.

Nin-Sikilla, Pure-Queen.

Alternate meanings: Pure-Virgin.

Geography/Culture: Sumer, perhaps adopted by Babylonia.
Description: Goddess of the virgin world before the emergence of humanity.
Male Associate: father/consort, Enki (Ea). Source: Monaghan BGH 221; Larousse WM 59.

Nin-Gikuga, ---.

Geography/Culture: Sumerian.
Description: Reed Goddess.
Male Associate: Consort: Enki.

Ki, Earth.

Geography/Culture: Chaldean.
Linguistic Note: {the Babylonian word ki, is believed to mean the surface of the earth. The sense of `that which is below', or `the things that are below', which it also seems to carry might then mean that which is below the sky rather than `that which is under the earth', a concept which seems to be expressed by the element gal. But see Nin-Gal linguistic notes.}
Description: Goddess of earth. Source: Larousse WM 65

worked on: August 14, 1990; August 6, 1991; May 1995