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Deae-Matres, Divine-Mothers.
[to Whom the first day of May, day 121, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Celtic: Continental Gauls, Roman times.
Description: Triple Goddess; Divine Sorceress; Ruler of earth's and of humanity's fruitfulness; Those Who dispense gifts to people and blessings to children and young people; Those Who are associated with the giving of names.
To Whom Sacred: flowers; baskets of fruit; cornucopia; babies.
Iconography: They are usually represented seated, surrounded by children, or fruit.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Epona, , (qv), is often associated with Them.
- Freya, Dearly-Beloved, may be associated with the Deae-Matres, Divine-Mothers.
- Habondia, , bears resemblances to Them, and may well have been One of Them.
- See also Matrona, Divine-Mother, below.
- They are also called Matronae, The-Mothers, below.
- Modron, Great-Mother, (below), may be a Welsh singular form of Them.
- Also called Sulevia, , Who are linked with Sulis, .
Modron, Great-Mother.
Geography/Culture: Celtic: Welsh.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Perhaps singular form of Continental Celtic, Deae-Matres, Divine-Mothers, above.
Matrona, Divine-Mother.
Geography/Culture: Celtic, Roman time. Continental Gallic.
Description: Eponym of the river Marne.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Singular form of the Deae-Matres, Divine-Mothers above.
- In Rome Matrona, Dine-Mother, is title of Juno, Shining-One.
- French variant
, M*Tr.
- The plural form:
, M*CRONI, Mother-Goddesses'.
- Perhaps comparable to Hebraic Matronit, , Who is linked with the Shekhina, Divine-Indwelling-Presence.
- Perhaps related to Welsh Modron, Great-Mother, aabove.
Matr(s), Mother(s)
Alternate meanings: Divine-Mother(s).
Geography/Culture: Hindustani.
Linguistic Note: {add from Oxford Etymological dictionary}. Related English words: mother, maternal, matriachal, matronage, matron, matter, material.
Description: Those Who are the origin, the source of all being; Those Who incarnate the reproductive forces of Nature.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Their traditions link Them with the Vedic Gnas, Women, Who are linked with Vac, Creative-Word.
- Latin form Mater.
- Hindustani variant Matrka(s)
- Greek formMeter.
- See also the SaptaMatrkas, Seven-Mothers.
worked on: October 1995; July 1990; June 1991.
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