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Seirenes, Entanglers.
Alternate meanings: Those-Who-Bind-with-a-Cord, Those-Who-Wither.
[to Whom the fifteenth day of December, day 349, is dedicated]
Geography/Culture: Greek. Sicilian Greek {am not sure if of the Greek homeland as well}. A temple near Surrentums was dedicated to Them. Their island may orignally have been one of the Echinades at the mouth of the river Achelous, or near Cape Pelorus (now Faro) in Sicily, or the Sirenusian Islands near Naples, or on Capri.
Linguistic Note: Their name is usually derived from seirazein, to bind with a cord, but could be from seirazein, to dry up. Related English words: siren (as in warning sound), siren (as in seductive woman. Is it possible that the English word seize is related.
Description: Woman-faced, bird-bodied, Multiple Goddess of the sea; Those Who invite humans to easy and blissful death; Those Who personify the magic power of beauty, eloquence and song; some say Those Who personify fever.
Sometimes dual, sometimes triple, sometimes quadruple. Perhaps originally an ennead since They competed, unsuccessfully (thereby perhaps indicating They were a pre-Olypian concept), with the ennead Goddess Mousae, Inspirers. They may have been a college of nine priestesses of the death Goddess, or moon-priestesses who attended an oracular shrine.
Invocations, Pleas, Hymns and Other Homage to HER: Seirenes.
To Whom Sacred: owl (Their wings -- which They lost in Their unsucessful contest with the Mousae -- were perhaps owl wings, a variety of owl was called siren); wren; spoonbill (personification of fever); {any of several salamanders of the family Sirenidae, such as the mud eel, having an eellike body, permanent external gills, small forelegs, and no hind limbs}; alder; song; laments; lyre; gymnastic contests; torch-race; sunken-rocks; calm seas; Anthemoessa, Rich-in-Flowers, Their sepulchral island home (this name suggests they may have served love as well as death); the number 9; windless weather at mid-day (time of sun-stroke and siesta night-mares).
Iconography: carved on funeral monuments as death angels chanting dirges to lyre music, but also credited with erotic designs on those They mourned; since the soul was believed to fly off in the form of a bird, They were pictured as birds of prey waiting to catch and secure it.
Their names are variously given:
Aglaope, Beautiful-Face, below.
Aglaophonos, Beautiful-Voice, below.
Himeropa, {Longing-Face}, below.
Leucosia, White-Being, below
Ligeia, Shrill, below.
Molpe, Music, below.
Parthenope, Maiden-Face, below.
Peisinoe, Persuading-the-Mind, below.
Raidne, Improving, below.
Teles, Perfect, below.
Thelxepeia, Soothing-Words, below.
Thelxiope, Persuasive-Face, below.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- See also Antheia, Flowery-One.
- Some say all, some say some, are Daughters of Calliope, Fair-Face.
- Some say Daughters of Gaia, Earth.
- Some suggest the Seirenes, Entanglers, were mortal priestesses of Hecate, She-Who-Works-from-Afar
- Brazilian Iamanja, is identified with the Seirenes, Entanglers.
- Some say They are the Daughters of Melpomene, Singing.
- Some say They are also called Phorcides, Daughters of Phorcis, , Who are linked with Marpessa, Snatcher.
- Anglecised variant
, S5R6NZ, Entanglers.
- Some say Daughters of Sterope, Stubborn-Face.
- Some say Daughters of Terpsichore, Lover-of-Dancing.
Source: Graves GMv2 120, 249, 361, 368; Graves WG 418-9; Kravitz WWGRM 213-4.
Aglaope, Beautiful-Face.
Alternate meaning: Glorious-Face.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- One person of multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Aglaophonos, Beautiful-Voice.
Alternate meaning: Splendid-Voice
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Variant
, Beautiful-Voice.
- Perhaps Daughter of Calliope, Fair-Face.
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Himeropa, {Longing-Face}.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Leucosia, White-Being.
Alternate meaning: White-Goddess.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Compare with Leucothea, White-Goddess, Who is linked with Ino, She-Who-Makes-Sinewy.
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Ligeia, Shrill.
Alternate meaning: Bright-Voiced
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Molpe, Music.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Perhaps Daughter of Calliope, Fair-Face.
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Parthenope, Maiden-Face.
Alternate meaning: Virgin-Face.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Peisinoe, Persuading-the-Mind.
Alternate meaning: Seductress.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Perhaps Daughter of Calliope, Fair-Face.
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Raidne, Improving.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above
Teles, Perfect.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- It seems to me one of the titles of Hera, Our-Lady, is Teles {No -- it's Telia, ----, but perhaps the words are related?}.
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above
Thelxepeia, Soothing-Words.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- Perhaps Daughter of Calliope, Fair-Face.
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
Thelxiope, Persuasive-Face.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Titles/Variants, etc:
- One person of Multiple Goddess Seirenes, Entanglers, above.
worked on: September, May 1995; July 1991; August , July (and printed), December 1990.
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