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Aa, Great-Mother.
Alternate meanings: The-Bride.
[To Whom the first day of January, day 000, is dedicated]


Geography/Culture: Babylonia, Assyria, Chaldean.
{Note: Monaghan gives Chaldean as Aa's origin. Since, according to my sources, Chaldean signifies a Semitic people who ruled in Babylonia, and since Funk & Wagnall give Aa's origin as Assyria and Babylonia, I give Babylonia as the most comprehensive location of Her origin.}
Linguistic Note: the 1st letter of the Western writing system comes from Greek A, a, (alpha-lambda-phi-alpha, alpha), itself evolved from a Phoenician word akin to Hebrew aleph, (a dash across top), ox. It is unclear whether Aa's name is composed of alephs or ayins or both. Note: As far as I can tell neither aleph nor ayin is pronounced: *, but as this phone is said to be the first sound made by a child picking up speech (I expect this is more of satisfactory myth -- folk knowledge -- rather than established fact), and because it is the initial phone of the fopho mnemonic which orders Her Cycle of Transformations, I, choose to make this Goddess, slight though information on Her is, Goddess of the first day of the New Year.
Description: Goddess of the dawn; Goddess of light; She Who is associated with eastern mountain ranges which boost the sun into the sky; [She Who represents that which is first in order of importance]; Creatress; The very Beginning; Mother of all wisdom; [Inspirer of the invention of writing systems]; perhaps Goddess of the moon.
{Note: Since Sumerian and Babylonian deities of the moon were male it is unlikely that Aa was a Goddess of the moon, as stated by Monaghan. However, Â, Aä, and Aï, were Sumerian names of the moon}.
To Whom Sacred: [ox (from the meaning of the Semitic aleph)]; eastern mountain ranges; 8 rayed orb or disk (a symbol of light); [the western alphabetic letter A]; [the fopho gram *]; [the exclamation "Ah!", especially when expressing sudden enlightenment as in: "Ah! I see!"]; [the concept of alpha as the brightest or main star in a constellation].
Male Associates: Consort: Shamash, the sun god. His attendants were: Kittu, Truth and Mesharu, Righteousnes. The name of the (Sumerian?) god Ea, He-Who-is-Housed-in-Water, is also sometimes rendered as Aa.

Source: AHDEL; Monaghan BGH 1; Funk & Wagnall SDFML 1; MacKenzie MBA 31, 57, 100, 301.
Aya, The-Bride.
Alternate meanings: [All-Seeing-Eye].

Geography/Culture: Babylonian: Babylonia, Assyria. Especially Sippar.
{Note: Since my sources say Sippar is a town in Akkadia it may be that Aya was Akkadian before She was either Babylonia or Assurian}.
Linguistic Note: The 16th letter of the Hebraic writing system is (ayin) and means "eye". Both the Akkadian and the later Assyrian populations of Babylonia were of Semitic origin making possible an etymological connection between the name Aya and and the word ayin. Although apparently unrelated linguistically Aya makes an interesting parallel with English Eye.
Description: All-seeing Eye of heaven; Bride of the sun.
Male Associates: sons, Kittu, Justice, and Misharu, Law, by consort, Shamash, ----, the sun god of Sippar.

Source: Monaghan BGH 1; Larousse NLEM 58; Walker WEMS 2, 294.
Nin-Kasi, Lady-Horn-Face.
Geography/Culture: Sumerian. There is a reference to Her in a cuniform hymn c.1800 BCE.
Description: Goddess of wine and beer; the Lady Who fills the vessel with beer.
To Whom Sacred: dates (used in beer making); beer (a hymn written to Her contains a recipe for date beer); straws (through which the beer was [sometimes?] imbibed); baked bread (used in the beer-making where we now use hops); narrow-necked jars (which held the beer).
Source: SFChronicle 5/3/90.
Nin-Si-Anna, Lady-of-the-Eye-of-Heaven.

Geography/Culture: Sumerian > Babylonian.

Sirdu, ---- .

Geography/Culture: Chaldean, {ie Babylonian}.

Source: Monaghan BGH 1.
Siduri, ----.

Geography/Culture: Chaldean, {ie Babylonian}.
Description: Guardian of a sea of the waters of death; the Sea Lady.
To Whom Sacred: jug of wine.
Male Associate: She is visited by Gilamesh, ----.

Source: MacKenzie 178; Monaghan BGH 1; MEM/53; Walker WEMS/2.
Sirona, Star-Queen.

Geography/Culture: Celtic. Gaul.
Description: Goddess of the night sky.
Male Associate: consort: Granus.

worked on: November, May, April, February 1995; April, June, 1992; August 1991; June, July, December, 1990.
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