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Gula-Bau, Great-Physician
. GWL1-B9
[to Whom the thirty-first day of May, day 151, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Near East (Iraq): Babylonia, Akkadia.
Linguistic Note: since the combined meaning of Her name is given as 'great physician' and Bau's name alone as meaning 'Space', by Monaghan, I interpret Gula as 'physician', (supporting this Gula has as title the name of a healing Goddess) and, since space is limitless, I assume 'great' is an alternate translation of Bau.
Description: As Gula, {Physician}, Goddess of healing, Creatrix, Destroyer; as Bau, Goddess of light, the sky and fertility.

Source: Monaghan 124.
Baau, ----.

Geography/Culture: Phoenician.
Description: Creatrix; Mother of the first man.
Male Associates: sons, Aeon and Protogonos {sounds like the year and its protagonist} by Consort: Kolpia.

Source: Funk & Wagnall SDFML 122; New Larousse EM 83.
Bau, Space.
Alternate meaning: {Great}.

Geography/Culture: Akkadian, Phoenician, Assyro-Babylonian, Der, Kish and Lagash. In the ruins of a building in Lagash attached to a Temple of Nina, Queen, have been found booty dedicated to Bau.
Description: Life-giving Mother Goddess of light, the sky {perhaps the sun} and fertility; Eldest of heaven; Matron of the ruler of the land; Chief Goddess of the city of Lagash.
Festival: the festival of Bau opened the new year in calendars preceding and contemporary with Sargon's era.
Male Associates: consort: Ningirsu, god of rain and fertility (son of Enlil).

Source: Funk & Wagnall SDFML 122; Kaster PCMD 28, 117; Monaghan BGH 42; NLEM 61.
Gatamdug, ----.

Geography/Culture: Lagash.
Description: Earth Mother; Great Creative Principle.

Source: New Larousse EM 61.
Gula, {Physician}.

Geography/Culture: Akkadian, Assyro-Babylonian. In Nippur, (approximately 60 miles southwest of Baghdad (Baghdad 33.2n x 44.2e), a large temple dedicated to Gula, {Physician}, dated 1600 to 1200 BCE, standing on earlier, perhaps Sumerian ruins, is currently (azov 1990) being excavated.
Description: Goddess of creation and healing; Causer and Healer of diseases; She Who is able to restore life; Counsellor of kings; Interpretor of dreams; Preserver of life; Defender of boundaries; Teacher of rituals; She Who is associated with the underworld; She Who waters the tree that forms the axis of the world and offers its fruit to Her worshippers; Lady of birth; Mother of dogs.
To Whom Sacred: dog (She defends Her people's boundaries as does a dog); garden at the world's center and world-tree at garden's center; 8-rayed orb of vital heat (i.e. the body heat which sustains life, or as fever which destroys it); both hands raised in the air (the proper position to assume when entreating Her aid).
Iconography: accompanied by a dog She demonstrates, with both hands raised, the aid entreating position. Note: the image (edited), which is of Gula, is from a boundary stone, circa 1140 BCE, page 63 Larousse World Mythology. British Museum.
Festival: late April.
Male Associates: consort, Moon-Man, who stands in the sky above the world tree. Consort, perhaps Ninurta, definitely Ningursu (Ninib). She is associated with Shamash in invocations. In later {how much later than when?} myth She is called the Daughter of Anu.

Source: ANEv2 51, 65; Funk & Wagnall SDFML 469; Monaghan BGH 42, 124-125; Kaster PCMD 71; Walker WEMS 358; 06//21/90, brief mention in San Francisco Chronicle of the excavation of Her temple in Nippur; EBv12/713d.
Gulses, ----.

Geography/Culture: Assyro-Babylonian.
Description: Goddesses of fate; Those Who record the events of a life.

Source: Walker WEMS 359.
worked on: November, May 1995; August 1991; August, June 1990.
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