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Carmenta, Revealer-of-Wisdom.
Alternate meanings: Car-the-Wise, {Queen-Bee-of-Revelation}, {Wise-Queen-Bee}.
[to Whom the ninth day of August, day 221, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Roman (from Arcadia).
Description: Triple muse Goddess of fountains, healing, childbirth and prophesy; Creatrix of the Latin calendar alphabet (adopting it from the thirteen-consonant Greek alphabet); Protectress of women in childbirth; She Who chose the site of the city Pallantium, on the hill beside the river Tiber, later called Mount Palatine.
Carmenta, Revealer-of-Wisdom, was also the name of a course of Her Sibylline priestesses each course lasting 110 years. At the end of a course irregularities in the solar calendar were corrected by intercalcation, and saecular games were held. Her priestesses gave oracles in Her name.
To Whom Sacred: crane (which symbolizes the alphabetical secret); the 5 vowels O, U, E, A, I; the consonants B an T (because each of these calendar consonants introduced one half of Her year, as divided between the sacred king and his tanist); the number 110; the Flamines (Her priests).
Festival: Perhaps the Carmentalia -- January 11. (Also celebrated in honour of Diuturna). During this festival She was addressed by Her celebrants as Postvorta, She-Who-Looks-Toward-the-Future, and Antevorta, She-Who-Looks-Toward-the-Past.
Male Associates: son Evander by Mercury.

Source: Graves GMv1 184, 289; ibid GMv2 137; ibid WG 179, 227-8; Kravitz WWGRM 53, 164; New Larousse EM 210-11.
Carmenae, {Revealers-of-Wisdom}.

Geography/Culture: Ancient Italian, Roman.
Linguistic Note: The meaning of Their name is based on the found meaning of Carmenta's name.
Description: Goddesses of springs, fountains and prophesy.

Nicostrata, Victorious-Army.

Geography/Culture: Greek: Arcadia.
Male Associates: son Evander by Hermes.

Source: Kravitz WWGRM 164.
Sibylla, Cavern-Dweller,
Alternate meanings: Wise-One, Wise-Woman, She-Who-Prophesies.

Geography/Culture: Greek > Roman. There were oracular shrines at: Aegira, Cimmeria, Cumae (near Naples; though to have been the seat of the first Greek colony in Italy, 9th or 8th century BCE), Delphi, Erythrae, Libya, Marpessa, Persia, Phrygia, Samos and Tibur. They may have all been caves, or caverns, sacred to Earth.
Linguistic Note: Greek Sigma-iota-beta-upsilon-lambda-lambda-alpha, (which the Romans transcribed as Sibylla), 'a prophetess'. The derivation is uncertain according to Liddell & Scott. The meanings of 'Wise-One', 'Wise-Woman' and 'She-Who-Prophesies' are probably all brief descriptions rather than definitions of Her name. I can no longer find my original source for the meaning 'Cavern-Dweller', but think it must have come from Robert Graves. It would also seem to be a brief description, in this case of what he believed about Sibyllas. Perhaps the name is derived from Babylonian Subultu, '----', the name of the constellation called Virgo in the West, and possibly the title of a Goddess.
Description: Earth Goddess; She Who sends forth messages of ambiguity and prophesy from Her echoing caverns through the mouths of Her mortal incarnations.
As Her mortal incarnations, the oracular priestesses of Her shrines were known by Her name, and in Her name conjure up the spirits of the dead, and intercede with the Deities on behalf of other mortals. They were probably elderly women.
To Whom Sacred: bull's blood (Her Sibylla, ie: priestesses, drank it to induce prophetic trances); mountain caves (caves were believed to be the entrance to the underworld); for the Romans the Sibylline Books; tripod (on which the Sibylla sat when communing with the Goddess and delivering oracles).

Source: Graves WG 105, 228, 254; Kravitz WWGRM 163, 212.

Source: Walker WEMS 967; Kravitz WWGRM 212 .
worked on: September, July, May 1995; August 1991; July 1990
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