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Gaelic - Hurrian

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Gazetteer volume 1: Accadia - Aztec.
Gazetteer volume 2: Babylonia - Dravadian.
Gazetteer volume 3: Egypt - Finland.
This file - Gazetteer volume 4: Gaelic - Hurrian.
Gazetteer volume 5: Iberian Peninsula - Lydians.
Gazetteer volume 6: Maeonians - Rome
Gazetteer volume 7: Samos - Zorastian.
Mediterranean (Greece) Supplement.
African Supplement.

Gaelic, q.v. Celts.

Galatae, Greek term for Celtic invaders.

Galatia, District in Northern Phrygia (azov 1968 round Ankara, Anatolia, Turkey) named after the Galatae (Greek name for invading Celts) who settled there.

Galli, Roman name for Celtic invaders, q.v. Gauls, Celts.

Gauls, English form of Roman Galli, term for for invading Celts, also used for France which was occupied by Celts, and became part of the the Roman Empire in the first century. Q.v. Celts.
The Gauls worshipped: Artio, (var. Ursula].

Germanic Goddesses worshipped by Germanic peoples: Berchta Percha.

Gnostic: The Gnostics worshipped: Anima-Mundi].

Greece. (location: Rand McNally 83 39 n x 21 30 e). Ety: The words "Greece", and "Greek" are derived from the Latin Graecia (Greece). Land-mass area including the Greek mainland, Peloponnesus and the Aegean islands. Pre-historic - First wave of neolithic immigrants apparently from the south by sea, settled in Crete and along the eastern coast of the mainland, earliest sites c. 4000. (Extensive Neolithic deposits have been found in Macedonia, Thessaly, Boeotia, Attica, the Peloponesus, Crete and some of the smaller islands.) Around 3500 came immigrants from the north bringing a neolithic culture evolved in the Danube basin. They settled in Thessaly and as far south as the Gulf of Corinth. By 3000 Crete and the southern coast of the Greek mainland possessed the higher technology of the Age of copper. Trade occurred throughout the Aegean and the Middle East, especially with Egypt, and by 2400 the area had entered the Bronze Age. Somewhat later than 3000 - early Bronze Age - a hostile invasion of migrants appeared on the mainland from the north. Their arrival was accompanied by the submergence of the previous populations. (Non-Greek Populations absorbed on their arrival in Greece: Pelasgians, Eteocretans.) By 2000 Crete had towns dominated by palace-temples, the greatest Knossos. From 1700-1400 Cretan culture influenced the Hellene mainland (especially Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Thebes and Orchomenus). From 2000: onwards there was a continuous development of Hellenic culture on the mainland. To the 17th century is ascribed the rise of a powerful aristocracy - wealth revealed at Mycenae acquired by plunder - who sacked Knossos c. 1400 bringing the Cretan civilization to an end. During the 14th c. or perhaps as late as 1250, Indo-European migrants again from the north and perhaps from the Danube area, calling themselves Achaens, with a technology of iron, settled in southern Thessaly, from where they moved into Peloponnesus and dominated Argolis. They introduced the Greek language, while absorbing the Mycenae culture of their predecessors. About 1200 the Achaeans sacked Troy. Invading Dorian tribes from the north, beginning perhaps as early as the 12th c., drove some of the Achaeans into Asia Minor, others into a region of northern Peloponnesus which in classical times was named after them. The Greeks of the classical period (c. 850-323) were a mixture of Mediterranean stock from the south through Crete, and Alpine or Nordic stock from the north [same as, or also ancestors of, the Celts?]. The ancient Greek religion was also a fusion including Indo-European, Asian and Cretan elements.

Pre-Achaean Goddesses worshipped in Greece:
Pre-Hellenic Goddesses worshipped in Greece:
Goddesses without more specific place names than Greece in my sources:
Greek, of or from Greece.

Haliartus. Seems to have been a town in Boeotia, Greece. A battle fought by Thebans against Sparta occurred there in 395 {B.C.? yes I think so}. Ref: Ency. Brit. 13th ed. vol 26-742. Apparently {probably according to Robert Graves} one of the `tombs' of Alcmene is to be found there.

Halicarnassus. City on the coast of Caria colonised by Dorians.

Halys, River in Asia Minor, middle course passes through Cappodocia. Hattusas, capital Hittite city in the state of Hatti, stood on its banks.

Hatti, state in Asia Minor.


Hattusus, (azov 1968 Bogazkoy, Turkey) city in the state of Hatti, Asia Minor. During the 19th cent. it was a trading center for Assyrian merchants. Some time after 1800 it was sacked by Hittites. Refounded c.1650. it became the Hittite capital city. Final Hittite fall occurred in early 12th cent. Reoccupation attributed to Phrygians who settled in north west Asia Minor late in the second millennium and dominated the area after the Hittite collapse. In its last years the town is identifiable as Pteria, sacked by Lydians in 547. It was the home of the cult of Teshub, the weather God, who had a temple there.


Goddesses worshipped in Hawaii:
Hebraic, Goddesses worshipped by the pre-biblical Hebrews: Ardat-Lili (var. Lilith).

Helicon. Extensive mountainous ridge in Boeotia, the "Mountain of the Muses".

Helladic refers to the Bronze Age cultures of Hellas, the Greek mainland.

Hellas, Originally Hellas designated a small district in Phthiotis, in east central Greece. Later all the people of the Greek peninsula became known as Hellenes, and the whole area was called Hellas.

Hellenes, the people of Hellas, they were a mixture of Mediterranean peoples from the south through Crete, and Alpine or Nordic peoples, invading settlers from the north.

Hellenic, of Hellas.

Hittite, the center of Hittite settlements was in central Asia Minor near the great bend of the River Halys (Kizil Irmak). [Hattusas?]

Hissarlik, (azov 1968) name for the mound under which Troy was found.

Hindi, of or belonging to India, q.v. Hindustani.

Hindu, now means a person of the Hindu religion.

Hinduism, a varigated religion of India, based on Brahmanical scriptures. [see 28 Brahmanism, and Vedic]. Also a term generally employed to comprehend the social institutions past and present, of the Hindus who form the great majority of the people of India.

Hindustan, a Persian word meaning "the country of the (river) Indus" and referring to India. Goddesses worshipped in Hindustan: Aditi (Vedic); Apah; Abhraganga (asp. Ganga); Abhramu; Adimata (asp. Manasa); Adrija (asp. Parvati); Annapatni; Annapurna; Ayonija (alt. Sita); Vac; Visadhari.

Hindustani . Of or belonging to Hindustan (India), from a Persian word meaning "dweller on the Indus."

Hokkaido. The northern most island of Japan, formerly called Yezo.

Honshu. The main central island of Japan. Cities: Tokyo, Kobe, Yokohama and Hiroshima.

Hurrian, the tradition of depicting Deities standing on an animal is of Hurrian origin.

next: Iberian Penninsula - Lydians

worked on: August 1, 1991 April 18; April 26, 1992.