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Helene, Bright-Moon.

Alternate meanings: Fair-One, Bright-One.
[to Whom the seventeenth day of May, day 137, is dedicated]

Geography/Culture: Greek. Especially Dendra and Therapnae, Laconia.
Linguistic Note: Greek orthography `epsilon-lambda-epsilon-nu-eta, (helene), `basket used for offerings to the Moon Goddess'.
Description: Originally: Egg-hatched orgiastic Goddess of moon, light, beauty, vegetation, fertility of soil and fertility of trees, especially fruit trees; Queen of Sparta; Matron of sailors and Guardian of sailors in distress; Eponym of Hellas and the Hellenes; She Who delights in hunting and wrestling; Bestower of sovereignty; She Who causes blindness in those who displease Her.
Probably the name-sake title of Her priestess(es).
She became: literary mortal heroine; Provoker of wars.
To Whom Sacred: sycamore; five-point leaved trees in general; plane-tree (its sanctity lies in its five-pointed leaves -- representing the hand of the Goddess -- and its annual sloughing of bark); dove; swan (from a swan's egg She was hatched); horse (after sacrifice of, marriage {to priestess incarnation of Her?} conferred king-ship); hyacinth coloured egg (symbol of the world egg from which all came forth); Ariadne doll (hung from fruit trees to promote fertility); helene (basket used for carrying holy objects, ie. perhaps phallic emblems, or (other) offerings to the Moon Goddess {this is probably made from willow, qv Skeats -- cross ref. perhaps to symbols under - willow, and elaborate its etymological connection}); Annual child sacrifice.
Festivals: {The Helenophoria (a mystic festival of Artemis, Ifigenia, or Tauropolos) might be considered appropriately Helene's I should think}.
Iconography: She carries a helene on Her head and is accompanied by the Dioscuri, Her brothers.
Male Associates: In addition to Her two brothers, the Dioscuri, Her sons were Aethiolas, Maraphius and Pleisthenes by consort Menelaus, King of Sparta and sons Bunomus, Aganus and Idaeus by Her abuctor Paris; She was also abducted Theseus. Another consort was Deiphobus, and Achilles was Her fifth consort.
Sources: EB/v13/219c,d; GMv1/161, 197, 207, 208, 263, 367; GMv2/65, 91, 269, 272, 275-7, 317-8, 327, index.
Helle, Bright.

Geography/Culture: Greek.
Description: Goddess of Death and Resurrection.
Source: Graves WG 257.
Hellotis, ---.

Hermione, ---.

Geography/Culture: Greece: Argolia, the place name Hermione.
Linguistic Note: Herma means a prop, support, pillar (as in Hermes who is sometimes represented as a boundary post with his head carved on top of it); was She `Pillar-faced'?
Description: As a mortal She was nine years old when abandoned by Her Mother.
To Whom Sacred: Nine is a Goddess number.
Male Associates: Father Menelaus. Some say son Tisamenus, Avenging-Strength, by consort Orestes. Some say a second consort was Neoptolemus with whom She proved barren! Source: Graves GMv2 65, 66; 83; 269, 274.

worked on: June 26, 1990; July 13, 1990; July 15, 1990; August 6, 1991; May 1995.
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