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Leto, Lady.
Alternate meanings: Darkness, Nocturnal-One, Stone.
[to Whom the first day of September, day 244, is dedicated]
Geography/Culture: Greek. Ortygia, near Delos (where She bore Artemis). Chiefly, Delos and Delphi. She had temples in Argos, Mantineia and Xanthus in Lycia. She had a sacred grove on the coast of Crete.
Linguistic Note: Greek orthography lambda-eta-tau-omega, (leto). See also the etymology of Lady in the Glossary.
Description: Great wandering Goddess of the primordial night; She Who gave birth to the sun and the moon; She Who came from the land of the Hyperboreans; She for Whom the island of Delos arose out of the depths that She might find a place to give birth; Mother of light; Creatress of fertility; Protectress of graves.
To Whom Sacred: date-palm; olive-tree (She gave birth to Apllo between these two trees); groves; quail (into which Zeus transformed them both before coition); mice (She brought a mouse cult with Her from the south); wolf (in which shape it is sometimes said She came to Delos); south-wind (on the wings of whom She was carried when wandering to find a place to give birth, having come from Palestine and Egypt); the number 9 (She was in labor with Apollo for that many days) the number 12 (the number of days Her journey, in wolf-form, took from the land of the Hyperboreans to Delos and for which reason it is said there are 12 days in the year when she-wolves drop their young).
Festival: 6th day of the Greek month Ahargelia, on which day Artemis was born.
Iconography: carrying Her son and Daughter in Her arms, sometimes pursued by a dragon (ie. Python).
Male Associates: son, Apollo by Lover Zeus. Attempted rape by Tityos Attempter. Persecuted by Python.
Geography/Culture: Agean: Delos.
Linguistic Note: Greek beta-hro-iota-zeta-epsilon-iota-nu, (brizein), 'to enchant'.
Description: Goddess of the moon [and the sea]; Matron of all the arts.
To Whom Sacred: votive ships.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Description: Mother-hater.
Male Associates: sons, Medon and Strophius by Consort: Pylades. Consort: Agamemnon, son Orestes. Lover: Aegisthus.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Male Associates: Cogenitor: Thestius. Son: Plexippus.
Geography/Culture: Asiatic.
Linguistic Note: lada is said to be the Lycian (ie. Cretan) word for 'woman'. See also etymology of Lady in the Glossary.
Description: Goddess of night.
Geography/Culture: Greek.
Linguistic Note: See the etymology of Lady in the Glossary.
To Whom Sacred: swan (in the form of which Zeus impregnated Her); hyacinth colored egg (some say laid by Leda, Herself, some say laid by Nemesis, Due-Enactment, and found by Leda, from which Helene, Bright-Moon, was hatched).
Male Associates: consort, Tyndareus; sons, the Dioscuri -- Castor, by Her consort, and Pollux, (Polydeuces), by Zeus.