back to February Goddesses

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 060, March 01 is dedicated to:


Nanshe, Interpreter-of-Dreams.

Mesopotamia: Babylonia.

Goddess of water, especially of springs & canals; Overseer of fertility, divination & prophesy.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 061, March 02 is dedicated to:


Nu-Kua, Earth-Woman.


Rainbow Dragon; Great Creatrix; Moulder of humanity; Goddess of the myriad patterns of nature.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 062, March 03 is dedicated to:


Nut, Night-Sky.


Star-spangled Goddess of the sky; Mother of Deities; Provider of meat & drink to the deceased.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 063, March 04 is dedicated to:


Nantosvelta, Winding-River.

Celtic: Britain.

Goddess of runningwaters, forests, fertility & death; Creatress & Destructress of the world.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 064, March 05 is dedicated to:


Ngame, [Shining-One].

Africa: Arkans of Ghana & Berber.

Triple Goddess of the sun & moon; She Who brought forth the world; Matron of bronze-smiths.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 065, March 06 is dedicated to:


Nature, Birth-Giving-One.

Europe: traditional folk-belief.

Goddess of the order, disposition & essence of all entities composing the universe; Empress.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 066, March 07 is dedicated to:


Nornir, [Well-Water-Raisers].


Triple Goddess of the moon, justice & fate; Those Who reveal the secrets of the universe.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 067, March 08 is dedicated to:


Nekhebet, Queen-of-Vultures.


Primeval Source of the great river; Shehe of nature; Mother of mothers; Father of fathers.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 068, March 09 is dedicated to:


Nebthet, Mistress-of-the-Palace.


Wing-armed Goddess of sunset & life arising from death; Conductress of the soul's journey.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 069, March 10 is dedicated to:


Nehalennia, ___.

Scandinavian: Dutch.

Protectress & perhaps Guide of souls on their great journey to the Western Isle of the Blessed.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 070, March 11 is dedicated to:


Mnemosyne, Memory.

Greece: Hellenic.

Goddess of inspiration; Mother of the Muses; She Who aids the memory when invoked to do so.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 071, March 12 is dedicated to:


Nemesis, Due-Enactment.

Greece: Hellenic.

Winged White Goddess of the moon, justice & immortality; OracularCrone of autumn & the rains.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 072, March 13 is dedicated to:


Nikkal, Great-Lady.

Syria : Canaan.

Goddess of the moon, fertility & fruitful earth; She Whose fallow fields become vineyards.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 073, March 14 is dedicated to:


Nin-Kharsag, Mountain-Queen.

Mesopotamia: Sumer.

Great Goddess of earth, healing & birth; Creative Principle of fertility; Giver of curses.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 074, March 15 is dedicated to:


Neith, Weaver-of-the-World.

Egypt: < Libya.

Orgiastic Goddess of the moon, the sun & the earth; Culture Bringer; Mistress of arts & crafts.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 075, March 16 is dedicated to:


Niamh, Beauty.

Celtic: Britain.

Golden-haired Goddess of the sea, fate, death & poetic immortality; Inspirer & Lover of poets.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 076, March 17 is dedicated to:


Narmada, ___.

India: Hindu.

Goddess of the sacred River Narmada; Absolver of guilt & sin; Protectress against snake bite.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 077, March 18 is dedicated to:


Onatha, Spirit-of-Grain.

America, North: Iroquois.

Maiden Goddess of the fertilising dew; Nurturer of corn, its underground sojourn & harvest.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 078, March 19 is dedicated to:


Ohoyo-Osh-Chishba, Unknown-Woman.

America, North: Cherokee.

Crone Goddess of vegetation; Provider of plant foods from Her body; Teacher of maize culture.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 079, March 20 is dedicated to:


Oshun, ___.

Africa:Nigeria, Yoruba.

Beautiful promiscuous Goddess of love & conception; Owner of brass; Eponym of the River.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 080, March 21 is dedicated to:


Opet, [Great-One].

Egypt: pre-dynastic.

Bearer & Mistress of the Deities;Goddess of nurturing; Caretaker of mothers & the new born.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 081, March 22 is dedicated to:


Oto-Hime, [Princess-of-the-Sea's-Sounds].


Dragoness of the deep & the ever-changeful eternal present; Matron of fishermen & sailors.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 082, March 23 is dedicated to:


Olwen, She-of-the-White-Track.

Celtic: Wales.

White Lady of day; flower-bringing Golden-wheel of summer; rosy-cheeked smiling Queen of May.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 083, March 24 is dedicated to:


Omamama, [Grandmother].

America, North: Cree.

Old as Earth Herself but ever beautiful Great Goddess of the rocks & plants; Mother of Deities.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 084, March 25 is dedicated to:


Usas, Shining-One.

India: Hindu, Vedic.

Ancient but ever young golden Goddess of dawn; Lady of heaven; Breath of health & of life.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 085, March 26 is dedicated to:


Whaitiri, Blind-Grandmother.


Sky-dwelling Goddess of thunder [& the Evolution of life prior to the development of sight].

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 086, March 27 is dedicated to:


Wurusemu, ___.

Asia Minor: Hittite, < Hatti.

Omnipotent, shining, Goddess of the sun & its seasonal changes; Mother of Deities & all people.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 087, March 28 is dedicated to:


Uma, Gracious-One.

India: Hindu, Dravidian.

Ascetic & virginal Goddess of light & splendor; She Who nourishes life with vegetables.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 088, March 29 is dedicated to:


Urvasi, ----.

India: Hindu, Vedic.

Goddess of respect for sexual freedom; She Who is wise & cunning; Bestower of immortality.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 089, March 30 is dedicated to:


Huixtocihuatl, Salt-Woman.

Mexico: Aztec.

Goddess of fertility, rain, & the sea; Inspirer of the invention of salt-extraction; Old Woman.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations day 090, March 31 is dedicated to:


Uatchit, Papyrus-Dwelling.


Wing-armed cobra Goddess of marshes; Lady of flame; Guardian of the life of river deltas.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


personal life events

on to April Goddesses

Last modified May, 1995; July 11, 2006. FW