back to March Goddesses
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 091, April 01 is dedicated to:
IG1, Aega, Wild-Goat
Shimmeringly beautiful Goddess of the sun; as Almathea, Maiden Goddess of spring & abundance.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 092, April 02 is dedicated to:
IÐUN, Idunn, Born-of-Flowers
Scandinavia: Norse.
Golden Goddess of spring, blooming orchards, poetic inspiration; the Music of running waters.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 093, April 03 is dedicated to:
I6RYS, Iris, Iridescence.
Greece: Hellenic.
Winged Maiden Goddess of communication; [Matron of lover's eye-language & the visual arts].
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 094, April 04 is dedicated to:
Z*P*NYT, Zarpanit, Silver-Shining.
Mesopotamia: Sumer.
White Goddess of the moon, trees, wells & springs; Ruler of heaven & earth; Seed Creator.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 095, April 05 is dedicated to:
Z*R*M*M*, Zaramama, Maize-Mother.
America, South: Peru.
Goddess of sweet-corn, its domestication & harvest; She Who is incarnate in mutant corn-cobs.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 096, April 06 is dedicated to:
ZURV*N-*K*R*N*, Zurvan-Akarana, Infinite-Time.
Iran: Persian.
Two-faced, or four-faced, Divine Shehe of procreation, birth, aging & return to the infinite.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 097, April 07 is dedicated to:
Z]M]LO, Zemelo, Earth-Mother.
Phrygia > Greece.
Goddess of earth & the underworld; She Who, fertilized by death, brings forth life renewed.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 098, April 08 is dedicated to:
B*B*, Baba, [Old-Woman].
Slavic: Poland, Bohemia.
Goddess of birth and death; Hag of autumn; She Who is incarnate in the last sheaf of harvest.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 099, April 09 is dedicated to: India: Hindu.
BH=R1VE, Bhairavi, The-Terrible.
Three-eyed moon-crested Goddess; Creator, Disolver & Recreator; Source of letter & knowledge.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 100, April 10 is dedicated to:
BH1V*NE, Bhavani, Giver-of-Existence.
India: Hindu, Sakta cult.
Great elemental Goddess of earth, nature & perpetual renewal; Untraversable Ocean of mercy.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 101, April 11 is dedicated to:
BAF*N*, Befana, Buffoonis-Hag.
Italy: folk belief.
Goddess of the old year; She Who leaves gifts in children's stockings on Her night, JAN 6th.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 102, April 12 is dedicated to:
Benzai-Tennyo, Goddess-of-the-Gift-of-Eloquence.
Shape-shifting Goddess of the sea & love; Matron of music & literature; Bestower of talent.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 103, April 13 is dedicated to:
Bean-Sidhe, Woman-of-the-Fairy-Mounds.
Celtic: Ireland.
Fay Goddess of destiny; White Lady of death; She Whose overheard nocturnal cries signify doom.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 104, April 14 is dedicated to:
Boann, Queen-Mother-of-Cows.
Goddess of earth, cattle & inspiration; White Cow of fecund fertility; Bestower of sovereignty.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 105, April 15 is dedicated to:
Bendis, [Wave-of-the-Deep].
Great orgiastic Mother Goddess of fertility; Ruler of heaven & earth; Crone of the waning moon.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 106, April 16 is dedicated to:
Bellona, Lady-of-War.
Goddess of battle & war; Waster of cities; formerly the Great Mother Goddess Mah surnamed Enyo.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 107, April 17 is dedicated to:
Britomartis, Sweet-Maiden.
Goddess of the moon, the sea, fertility, birth & health; Matron of fishermen & hunters.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 108, April 18 is dedicated to:
Celtic: Brigantes.
Triple flaming Goddess of inspiration & poetry, fire & the smith's craft, healing & medicine.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 109, April 19 is dedicated to:
Branwen, White-Bosomed-One.
White Goddess of the sea, trees, beauty, love; Comforter of women reduced to household slavery.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 110, April 20 is dedicated to:
Aunelanuhi, Apportioner.
Goddess of the sun; She Who divides time into seasons & years; monthly She meets Her consort.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 111, April 21 is dedicated to:
The Dewy Sisters of earth; Triple Goddess of agriculture, the moon & its fertilizing moistures.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 112, April 22 is dedicated to:
Divine Cow of fertility & sustenance; Goddess of prolific waters & human motherhood; Gladdener.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 113, April 23 is dedicated to:
Orgiastic mountain Goddess of earth, prophecy & inspirational frenzy; Bestower of poetic fame.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 114, April 24 is dedicated to:
Danae, She-Who-Judges.
Goddess of agriculture; She Who inspired well-digging & the irrigation of crops; Savior.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 115, April 25 is dedicated to:
Divine Mother of death & rebirth; She Who takes an enlightened one's last breath with a kiss.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 116, April 26 is dedicated to:
Great Goddess of water & its fishes; Fate; She Who swallows up, & gives rebirth to, the sun.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 117, April 27 is dedicated to:
Durga, Inaccessible-One.
Ten-armed Warrior of protection; Fishy-eyed Goddess of fire & fire's cathartic properties.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 118, April 28 is dedicated to:
Ultimate Motherly Source of all; maternal Mystery beyond all mysteries; Teacher of wisdom.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 119, April 29 is dedicated to:
Hideous, long-nosed, cruel-eyed, Goddess of the monsoon, poverty, frustration & despair.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations day 120, April 30 is dedicated to:
Danu, She-of-Knowledge.
Mother of rivers; Universal Goddess of magic; She Who is earth's fertility & fruitfulness.
On Whose day was
born Her darling: |
On Whose day
died Her darling: |
on to May Goddesses
Last modified May, 1995; July 1996; November 3, 2005. FW