In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 01
day 121,
is dedicated to:
Deae-Matres, Divine-Mothers
Celtic: Europe & continental Gaul.
Triple Goddess of earth's & humanity's fruitfulness; Those Who dispense gifts & blessings.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 02
day 122,
is dedicated to:
Demeter, Barley-Mother.
Greece: Eleusis
Mistress of earth, sea & under-earth world; Goddess of agriculture; Introducer of civilization.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 03
day 123
is dedicated to:
Delphine, Womb-of-Creation.
Greece: Delphi.
Primal Mother; Serpent-tailed Goddess of the earth, winds & prophecy; Eponym of Delphi.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 04
day 124
is dedicated to:
Diana, Divine-Queen.
Italy: Roman.
Goddess of the open sky, the moon, birth, mountains & forests; Mistress of nature & fertility.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 05
day 125
is dedicated to:
Dilbah, Morning-Star.
Astral Goddess of dawn & the desert; She Who opens the portals of heaven in Her supremacy.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 06
day 126
is dedicated to:
Dione, Bright-Sky.
Greece: Dodona.
Goddess of earth, woodlands, fertilising moistures, & divination from the rustling of leaves.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 07
day 127
is dedicated to:
Dam-Kina, Lady-of-the-Earth
Mesopotamia: Sumer, especially Eridu.
Pure Virgin; Goddess of the moon, water, earth & earth's fertility; She Who sends forth gifts.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 08
day 128
is dedicated to
Harpyiai, Swift-Robbers.
Greece: Hellenic.
Triple swift-winged Goddess of the air, violent storms, whirlwinds, sudden destruction & death.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 09
day 129
is dedicated to:
Horai, The-Seasons.
Greece: Hellenic.
Triple Goddess of the weather; Regulator of the seasons; Guardian of Nature's order.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 10
day 130
is dedicated to:
Hulda, Beloved-Hill-Lady.
Germanic: Teuton.
Gracious Goddess of mountains, hills, women, marriage, music & dance; Guardian of maidens.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 11
day 131
is dedicated to:
Huruing-Wuhti, Hard-Beings-Woman.
America, North: Hopi.
Genetrix; Goddess of the sea; from the meeting of Woman, earth & sea, Her creatures were born.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 12
day 132
is dedicated to:
Hepat, Earth-Mother.
Asia Minor: Hurrian, Hattusas.
Sovereign of heaven & earth; Great Goddess of the sun; Mighty Mother of all the Deities.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 13
day 133
is dedicated to:
Hera, Our-Lady.
Greece: pre-Hellenic, Argos.
Queen of heaven; Goddess of women; Protectress & Presider over all phases of women's lives.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 14
day 134
is dedicated to:
Hecate, She-Who-Works-from-Afar.
Triple-headed Crone Goddess of the dark moon, wisdom, magical knowledge, death & regeneration.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 15
day 135
is dedicated to:
Heket, Great-Magician.
Goddess of conception & birth; Presider over the embryonic state of grain prior to germination.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 16
day 136
is dedicated to:
Hel, Shelter.
Scandinavia: Norse.
Piebald Crone of uberty & the moon; Queen of the nine-circled realm of death; Eponym of hell.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 17
day 137
is dedicated to:
Helene, Bright-Moon.
Greece: Sparta.
Orgiastic Goddess of beauty, vegetation, the moon, moonlight & the sea; Matron of sailors.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 138
is dedicated to:
Heliades, Daughters-of-the-Sun.
Greece: Hellenic
Seven-fold (though some say Triple) golden Goddess of the sun, sisterly warmth & helpfulness.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 19
day 139
is dedicated to:
Helice, [Spiraling-One].
Greece: Hellenic.
Goddess of the moon, water, water-magic, healing & helical growth patterns; Matron of witches.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 20
day 140
is dedicated to:
Hesperides, Western-Ones.
Greece: Hellenic.
Multiple sweet-singing Goddess of the west, sunset, paradise, the moon, death & immortality.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 141
is dedicated to:
Rhpisunt, [Bear-Mother].
America, North: Haida.
Goddess & Princess of bears; She Who caused the wolf-clan to become relatives of the bears.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 22
day 142
is dedicated to:
Rhiannon, Great-Queen.
Celtic: Wales.
Goddess of the year; Mistress of the Underworld; Source of truth, adored by all true poets.
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 143
is dedicated to:
HannaHannas, Grandmother.
Asia Minor: Hittite, < Hatti.
Queen of highest heaven; Oldest of all; Ruler of Deities; Goddess of wisdom beyond wisdom.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 144
is dedicated to:
Habondia, She-of-Abundance.
Celtic: Europe, Roman times.
Goddess of fertility, fruitfulness, plenty & prosperity; Queen of generosity & good fortune.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 145
is dedicated to:
Hat-Hor, Womb-of-the-Sun.
Golden-One; Great Goddess of the universe; Cosmic Cow; Birdcage of the soul; Ruler of the sky.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 26
day 146
is dedicated to:
Hyades, Rain-Makers.
Greece: Mt. Nysa, Helicon.
Multiple Goddess of the moon, its fertilizing moistures, the constellation Hyades, & wine.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 147
is dedicated to:
Hygeia, [Health-Bringer].
Greece: Titane.
Radiant Goddess of health, healing & preventive medicine; Protectress of humanity from danger.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
May 28
day 148
is dedicated to:
Anne, Graceful-One.
Syria: pre-Christian (English pronunciation).
Great Grandmother Goddess of earth & fertility; Mother of Mary; Christianized as a Saint.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 149
is dedicated to
Annis, [Blue-Hag].
Celtic: Britain, especially. Leicestershire.
Shape-shifting black Crone Goddess of the old moon & death; Cat-Annis; Stealer of children.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 150
is dedicated to:
Alys, Sheltering.
Celtic: Europe, espcially the Rhöne.
Muse Goddess of rivers, death and immortality; Queen of the sepulchral island in the Rhône.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations
day 151
is dedicated to:
Gula-Bau, Great-Physician.
Mesopotamia: Akkad.
Goddess of health; Causer & Healer of disease; Interpreter of dreams; Ruler of destinies.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |