Her Cycle of Transformations November Goddesses

back to October Goddesses

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 01

day 305

is dedicated to:


Iamanja, Holy-Queen-Sea.

America, South: Brazil < Nigeria.

Goddess of the sea; merciful Answerer of prayers; She Whose waters salve the wounded spirit.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Benvenuto Cellini (goldsmith & sculptor) Italy *1500


Stephen Crane (writer) America 1871


Victoria de los Angeles (operatic singer) 1923




personal life events




* day & month probably arbitrary

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 02

day 306

is dedicated to:


Inanna, Queen-of-Heaven.

Mesopotamia: Sumer.

Winged, life-giving Great Goddess of the moon & love; Divine Queen; wise Guide & Counselor.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf (composer) Austria 1739








personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 03

day 307

is dedicated to:


Ino, She-Who-Makes-Sinewy.

Greece: pre-Hellenic, Pelasgia.

White Muse Goddess of corn, the harvest moon & the sea; Reaper on high; Matron of mariners.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 04

day 308

is dedicated to:


Ina, Lady.


Two-faced Great Goddess of the sea, healing & death; enchanting tapa-beating Woman of the moon.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 05

day 309

is dedicated to:


Io, Exalted-Moon.

Greece: Argos.

Rain-bringing Moon amidst stars; White Cow Who wanders over earth; horned Goddess of barley.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

William James Durant (historian, philosopher) America 1885








personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 06

day 310

is dedicated to:


Izanami, She-Who-Invites.


Goddess of the Japanese islands; Her Augustness, Mother of plants, animals, people & fire.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 07

day 311

is dedicated to:


Ishtar, Light-Giving.

Mesopotamia: Babylonia.

Great Goddess of the moon, music, earth, love & benevolence; Light of the World; Divine Wanton.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Marie Curie (physicist, chemist) Poland 1867


Albert Camus (writer) Algeria 1913


Joan Sutherland (coloratura soprano) Australia 1926




personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 08

day 312

is dedicated to:


Epona, Divine-Mare.

Celtic: Britain & Europe.

Goddess of the year, rushing rivers, horses & extended human mobility; Bestower of Sovereignty.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Katherine Hepburn (actress) America 1909








personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 09

day 313

is dedicated to:


Ituana, Mother-Scorpion.

America, South: Amazon.

Great Goddess of the Amazon river; many-breasted Foster Mother of earth's innumerable children.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev (writer) Russia 1818








personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 10

day 314

is dedicated to:


Iyatiku, The-Mother-Corn.

America, North: Keres.

Earth Mother; Counselor; She Who welcomes us home when we cast off our coil of flesh.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Francois Couperin le Grand (composer) France 1668


William Hogarth (painter, engraver) England 1697


Oliver Goldsmith (writer) Ireland 1728


Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller (dramatist) German 1759


Nicholas Vachel Lindsay (poet) America 1879


personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 11

day 315

is dedicated to:


Eve, Mother-of-All-Living.

Syria:Hebraic (English transliteration).

Creatrix of all manifested forms; Mother Womb; life-giving Goddess; Instructress of humanity.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Abigail Adams (writer, feminist) America 1744


Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky (novelist) Russia 1821


Alexandr Borodin (composer & scientist) Russia 1833




personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 12

day 316

is dedicated to:


Isis, [Lap-of-Power].

Egypt (Greek transliteration).

Lady of a thousand names; Goddess of the moon, earth, mist, magic & fertility; Culture Bringer.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Elizabeth Stanton (advocate for women's rights) America 1815








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 13

day 317

is dedicated to:


Chun-T'i, ___.


Goddess of war; She Who is capable of miraculous feats; She Who excels in the magic arts.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Robert Louis Stevenson (poet, writer) Scotland 1850








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 14

day 318

is dedicated to:


Chaya, Shade.

India: Hindu.

Goddess of the beneficial effects of muted & dappled sunlight; Matron of metal-workers.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Auguste Rodin (sculptor) France 1840


Aaron Copland (composer) America 1900






personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 15

day 319

is dedicated to:


Ch'ang-O, Standard-of-Grace-and-Beauty.


Graceful moth-eyebrowed Maiden Goddess of the moon & immortality; Dispenser of life magic.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

William Cowper (poet) England 1731


Sir William Herschel (astromer, discoverer of Uranus) Germany 1738


Marianne Craig Moore (poet) America 1887


Georgia O'Keefe (painter) America 1887


personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 16

day 320

is dedicated to:


Chicomecoatl, Seven-Serpents.

Mexico: Aztec.

Goddess of maize; Mother of rural plenty; some say Goddess of frost & famine, hunger & harm.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Paul Hindemith (composer) Germany 1895








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 17

day 321

is dedicated to:


Chalchihuitlicue, She-of-the-Robe-of-Green-Jewels.

Mexico: Aztec.

Goddess of flowing waters, cornfields & bread; Mistress of rain; Bringer of abundant harvests.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 18

day 322

is dedicated to:


Ops, Fruitfulness.

Italy: Roman.

Goddess of earth, its riches & resources; Bestower of fertility & healing; Protectrix of women.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Carl Maria Frederich Ernst von Weber (composer) Germany 1786


Louis Jacques Maude Daguerre (inventor, photographer) France 1789


Kahlil Gibran (mystic, poet) Lebanon 1883




personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 19

day 323

is dedicated to:


Omphale, Earth's-Navel.

Asia Minor: Lydia.

Universal womb; Goddess of earth, rebirth & augury; Hub of life; [Matron of transvestites].

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 20

day 324

is dedicated to:


        Ostara, [Morning-Star]

Goddess of sunrise & the east; Ruler of the vernal equinox & earth's springtime burgeoning.

Germanic: Saxon

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations November 21

day 325

is dedicated to:


Ossipago, Bone-Strengthener

Goddess of skeletal structures; Strengthener of fetal bones; [Matron of orthopedics].

Italy: Roman

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Voltaire Jean Francois Arouet> (poet, writer) France 1694








personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 22

day 326

is dedicated to:


Arianrhod, Silver-Wheel

Virgin White Goddess of birth, initiation, death & rebirth; She Who turns the circle of heaven.

Celtic: Wales

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 23

day 327

is dedicated to:


Varuni, She-Who-Encompasses

Originally the Waters of Origin, She became Goddess of golden liquor, wine & intoxication.

India: Hindu, Vedic

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 24

day 328

is dedicated to:


Vac, Creative-Word

Goddess of language, writing & writing-systems; Matron of mental endeavours; Source of voice.

India: Hindu, Vedic      

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 25

day 329

is dedicated to:


Vete-Ema, Water-Mother

Goddess of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers & streams; Spirit of water; Queen of aquatic life.


On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 26

day 330

is dedicated to:


Vortumna, She-Who-Turns-the-Year-About

Oracular Goddess of the year & destiny; Matron of gardeners; She Who urges reproduction.

Italy: Roman    

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 27

day 331

is dedicated to:


Venus, Love

Originally Goddess of growth, tilled fields & gardens; later, Matron of love & procreation.

Italy: Roman

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 28

day 332

is dedicated to:


Vesta, Sacred-Fire

Goddess of the sun, the domestic hearth & home; Matron of family life; Refuge of suppliants.

Italy: Roman < Greece 

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 29

day 333

is dedicated to:


Visahari, Remover-of-Poison

Shape-shifting Goddess of earth, uberty & the underworld; Controller of snakes; Spirit of mind.

India: Hindu, Manasa cult

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations November 30

day 334

is dedicated to:


Victoria, She-Who-Bestows-Victory

Winged Goddess of success, achievement & triumphs; She by Whose aid obstacles are overcome.

Italy: Roman

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events

on to December Goddesses

last worked on: November 20, 2005