back to November Goddesses


In Her Cycle of Transformations December 01

day 335

is dedicated to:


Vajravarahi, Strength-of-the-Sow.

India: Hindu > Tibet: Buddhist.

Goddess of [wisdom through experience]; She Who drives away evil spirits [like depression].

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events




In Her Cycle of Transformations December 02

day 336

is dedicated to:


Anahita, Immaculate-One.

Iran: Persian, Armenian.

Motherly Goddess of life waters, weather, fertility, procreation, war & victory; Wanton Virgin.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Ruth Draper (actress) America 1884








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 03

day 337

is dedicated to:


Annapurna, Giver-of-Food.

India: Hindu.

Goddess of foodstuff; She Who causes the continual transformation of substance into energy.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Joseph Conrad (novelist) Poland 1857


Thomas Carlyle (philosophical moralist) Scotland 1795






personal life events





In Her Cycle of Transformations December 04

day 338

is dedicated to:


Anath, [Strength-of-Life].

Syria: especially Ugarit.

Goddess of earth, grain, & sacrifice; Strength of Life; Bloodthirsty Maiden; Violent Virgin.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Thomas Carlyle (philosophical moralist) Scotland 1795

Benjamin Edward Britten (composer) England 1976

Samuel Butler (writer, painter, composer) England 1835


Rainer Maria Rilke (lyric poet) Germany 1875




personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 05

day 339

is dedicated to:


Asherah, [Lady-of-the-Sea].


Bountiful Great Mother Goddess of heaven, the moon & sea; in wisdom, Mistress of the Deities.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Christina Rossetti (poet, mystic) England 1830








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 06

day 340

is dedicated to:


Athene, [I-Have-Come-From-Myself] .

Greece: Hellenic.

Great Virgin Goddess; Embodiment of divine power; Defender & Protectrix of Herpeople's cities.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 07

day 341

is dedicated to:


Alphito, White-Goddess.

Greece: Arcadia, Danaan of Argos.

White Goddess of barley flour, destiny & the moon; Hag of the Mill; Lady of the nine heights.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Joyce Cary (novelist, painter) Ireland 1888

Marcus Tullius Cicero (writer and orator), Italy? 43 B.C.E







personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 08

day 342

is dedicated to:


Alaghom-Naom, Mother-of-Mind.

America, Central: Maya.

Goddess of the earth, abundance & wisdom; She Who fosters forth conscious awareness & thought.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Horace (poet) Italy 65 B.C.E.

Sir John Lennon (popular singer & song-writer) America 1980

Jean Sibelius (composer) Finland 1865






personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 09

day 343

is dedicated to:


Ambika, Mother.

India: Jain.

Genetrix; Goddess of nature, especially autumn & the harvest; Matron of water conservation.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

John Milton (poet) England 1608








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 10

day 344

is dedicated to:


Astart, Conceiving-Womb.


Beautiful Great Goddess of fertile abundance, love, sexuality & reproduction; Lady of heaven.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Cesar Anguste Franck (composer) Belgium 1822

Karl Barth (writer) Switzerland 1968

Emily Dickinson (poet) America 1830






personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 11

day 345

is dedicated to:


Sarah, Queen .

Mesopotamia: Chaldean, Hebraic.

Laughter-loving, silver-faced, Mother Goddess of the sea & prophesy; Bestower of Sovereignty.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Hector Berlioz (composer) France 1803


Alexandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (writer) Russia 1918






personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 12

day 346

is dedicated to:


Sphinx, Throttler.

Greece: Thebes < Assyria.

Amorous & man devouring, Woman-faced, lion-bodied, eagle-winged, riddling calendar Goddess.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Gustave Flaubert (novelist) France 1821

Robert Browning (poet) Italy 1889







personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 13

day 347

is dedicated to:


Sulis, She-Who-Brings-Forth.

Celtic: Britain, Roman times.

Goddess of prophesy, inspiration, wisdom & death; She Who is Bountiful, as is a sow of piglets.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Heinrich Heine (poet, writer) Germany 1797

Mary Renault (historical novelist) prob. South Africa 1983







personal life events

Dear Katherine Singleton was born this day. What a joy for the world.



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 14

day 348

is dedicated to:


Sussistanako, Thinking-Woman.

America, North: Pueblo.

Goddess of creation; Spider Woman; Spirit & Power of intelligence; She Who thinks into being.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Tycho Brahe (astronomer) Denmark now Sweden 1546


Roger Eliot Fry (painter, critic) England 1866






personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 15

day 349

is dedicated to:


Seirenes, Entanglers .

Greece: Hellenic.

Multiple Woman-faced, bird-bodied, Goddess of the sea, singing, prophesy & blissful death.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (composer) Germany 1788







personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 16

day 350

is dedicated to:


Spes, Hope.

Italy: Roman.

Golden Goddess of the moon, death, resurrection, drug induced sleep & its healing power.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Ludwig von Beethoven (composer) Germany 1770


Jane Austen (novelist) England 1775


Francois Adrien Boieldieu (composer) France 1775


Zoltan Kodaly (composer) Hungary 1882


Noel Coward (writer, actor, composer) England 1899


Margaret Mead (anthropologist, writer) America 1901




personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 17

day 351

is dedicated to:


Skadi, She-Who-Causes-Harm.

Scandinavia: Norse.

Mountain Giantess; Goddess on skis; snow-shoe Goddess of winter & hunting; Scandinavian Eponym.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

John Greenleaf Whittier (poet) America 1807








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 18

day 352

is dedicated to:


Scylla, She-Who-Rends.


Shape-shifting Goddess of the moon; destroying Sea-bitch of currents, reefs & clashing rocks.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Edward MacDowell (composer) America 1861


Christopher Fry (playwright) England 1907






personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 19

day 353

is dedicated to:


Sekhmet, Powerful-One.


Great & terrible lion-headed Goddess of drought & the destruction-causing power of the sun.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Jean Genet (writer) France 1910

Emily Jane Bronte (novelist) England 1848







personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 20

day 354

is dedicated to:


Selket, Scorpion.


Winged Goddess of conjugal union & magic; Protectress of the dead; Guardian of the intestines.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 21

day 355

is dedicated to:


Semiramis, [Sublime-Dove].

Mesopotamia: Babylonia.

Goddess of great beauty, intelligence, love & sensuality; Creatrix of mighty civilizing works.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Jean Baptiste Racine (dramatist) France 1639

Franz Boas (anthropologist) America 1942







personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 22

day 356

is dedicated to:


Sita, The-Furrow.

India: Hindu, Vedic.

Goddess of spring, agriculture & earth; Corn Mother; the Field which brings forth bounteously.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:


George Eliot (novelist) England 1880







personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 23

day 357

is dedicated to:


Sunna, Mistress-Sun.


Weaver of light; Goddess of the sun; bright Bride of heaven; wind Controller; dwarf Deceiver.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Orlando Gibbons (composer) England 1583








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 24

day 358

is dedicated to:


Sao-Ts'ing-Niang, Broom-Lady.


Black-faced Goddess of rain; She Who sweeps the clouds together or apart; Savior from drought.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Mathew Arnold (writer) England 1822








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 25

day 359

is dedicated to:


Satis, She-Who-Runs-Like-an-Arrow.

Egypt: especially Elephantine.

Goddess of waterfalls, cataracts & the life-giving flood; She Who lets loose the river's force.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Issac Newton (astronomer, mathematician) England 1642

Karel Capek (writer) Czechoslovakia 1938

Clarissa Harlowe Barton (organizer of American Red Cross) America 1821


Dame Rebecca West (writer) Ireland 1892






personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 26

day 360

is dedicated to:


Sakti, Divine-Energy.

India: Hindu, Tantric.

Goddess of cosmic energy; Will of evolution; She Who gives birth to all force & all form.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:









personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 27

day 361

is dedicated to:


Salacia, Lady-of-the-Salt-Sea.

Italy: Roman.

Goddess of springs, lakes, the world's oceans, seas & sea mammals; fish-teeming Abyssal-womb.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina .(composer) Italy 1526

Charles Lamb (essayist, critic) England 1834

Louis (founder Pasteur of the microbiological sciences) France 1822






personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations December 28

day 362

is dedicated to:


Salmaone, Lady-of-the-East.

Syria: East Mediterranean.

Goddess of Spring & the east, the daily rising of the sun & its yearly renewal; Willow Mother.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Maggie Smith (actress) England? 1934








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 29

day 363

is dedicated to:


Sarasvati, She-Who-Flows-Eloquently-Onward.

India: Hindu, Vedic.

Young & beautiful four-armed Goddess of fertility, procreation, purification & literature.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Pablo Casals (virtuoso cellist) Spain 1876








personal life events



In Her Cycle of Transformations December 30

day 364

is dedicated to:


Savasi, Mighty-One.

India: Jain.

Goddess of strength; Cosmic Cow of the unbounded realms beyond earth; Mother of the months.

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Joseph Rudyard Kipling (writer) India 1865








personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations December 31

day 365

is dedicated to:


Psyche, World-Soul.

Italy: Roman (Greek name).

Goddess of the development of consciousness in humanity; [Promoter of psychology & psychiatry].

On Whose day was born Her darling:

On Whose day died Her darling:

Henri Emile Benoit Matisse (painter) France 1869








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on to January Goddesses

Last modified: December, May, July 1995; July 1996; November 20, 2005. FW