back to November Goddesses
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 01
day 335
is dedicated to:
Goddess of [wisdom through experience]; She Who
drives away evil spirits [like depression].
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 02
day 336
is dedicated to:
Anahita, Immaculate-One.
Motherly Goddess of life waters, weather, fertility,
procreation, war & victory; Wanton Virgin.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Ruth Draper (actress) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 03
day 337
is dedicated to:
Annapurna, Giver-of-Food.
Goddess of foodstuff; She
Who causes the continual transformation of substance into energy.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Joseph Conrad (novelist) |
Thomas Carlyle (philosophical moralist) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 04
day 338
is dedicated to:
Anath, [Strength-of-Life].
Goddess of earth, grain,
& sacrifice; Strength of Life; Bloodthirsty Maiden; Violent Virgin.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Thomas Carlyle (philosophical moralist) |
Benjamin Edward Britten (composer) |
Samuel Butler (writer, painter, composer) |
Rainer Maria Rilke (lyric poet) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 05
day 339
is dedicated to:
Asherah, [Lady-of-the-Sea].
Bountiful Great Mother
Goddess of heaven, the moon & sea; in wisdom, Mistress of the Deities.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Christina Rossetti (poet, mystic) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 06
day 340
is dedicated to:
Athene, [I-Have-Come-From-Myself] .
Great Virgin Goddess;
Embodiment of divine power; Defender & Protectrix of Herpeople's cities.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 07
day 341
is dedicated to:
Alphito, White-Goddess.
White Goddess of barley
flour, destiny & the moon; Hag of the Mill; Lady of the nine heights.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Joyce Cary (novelist, painter) |
Marcus Tullius Cicero (writer and orator), |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 08
day 342
is dedicated to:
Alaghom-Naom, Mother-of-Mind.
Goddess of the earth,
abundance & wisdom; She Who fosters forth conscious awareness &
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Horace (poet) Italy 65 B.C.E. |
Sir John Lennon (popular singer & song-writer) |
Jean Sibelius (composer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 09
day 343
is dedicated to:
Ambika, Mother.
Genetrix; Goddess of
nature, especially autumn & the harvest; Matron of water conservation.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
John Milton (poet) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 10
day 344
is dedicated to:
Astart, Conceiving-Womb.
Beautiful Great Goddess of
fertile abundance, love, sexuality & reproduction; Lady of heaven.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Cesar Anguste Franck (composer) |
Karl Barth (writer) |
Emily Dickinson (poet) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 11
day 345
is dedicated to:
Sarah, Queen .
silver-faced, Mother Goddess of the sea & prophesy; Bestower of
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Hector Berlioz (composer) France 1803 |
Alexandr Isayevich Solzhenitsyn (writer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 12
day 346
is dedicated to:
Sphinx, Throttler.
Amorous & man
devouring, Woman-faced, lion-bodied, eagle-winged, riddling calendar Goddess.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Gustave Flaubert (novelist) France 1821 |
Robert Browning (poet) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 13
day 347
is dedicated to:
Sulis, She-Who-Brings-Forth.
Goddess of prophesy,
inspiration, wisdom & death; She Who is
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Heinrich Heine (poet, writer) |
Mary Renault (historical novelist) prob. |
Dear Katherine Singleton was born this day. What a joy for the world. |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 14
day 348
is dedicated to:
Sussistanako, Thinking-Woman.
Goddess of creation; Spider
Woman; Spirit & Power of intelligence; She Who thinks into being.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Tycho Brahe (astronomer) |
Roger Eliot Fry (painter, critic) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 15
day 349
is dedicated to:
Seirenes, Entanglers .
Multiple Woman-faced,
bird-bodied, Goddess of the sea, singing, prophesy & blissful death.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (composer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 16
day 350
is dedicated to:
Spes, Hope.
Golden Goddess of the moon,
death, resurrection, drug induced sleep & its healing power.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Ludwig von Beethoven (composer) |
Jane Austen (novelist) |
Francois Adrien Boieldieu (composer) France 1775 |
Zoltan Kodaly (composer) |
Noel Coward (writer, actor, composer) |
Margaret Mead (anthropologist, writer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 17
day 351
is dedicated to:
Skadi, She-Who-Causes-Harm.
Mountain Giantess; Goddess
on skis; snow-shoe Goddess of winter & hunting; Scandinavian Eponym.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
John Greenleaf Whittier (poet) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 18
day 352
is dedicated to:
Scylla, She-Who-Rends.
Shape-shifting Goddess of
the moon; destroying Sea-bitch of currents, reefs & clashing rocks.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Edward MacDowell (composer) |
Christopher Fry (playwright) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 19
day 353
is dedicated to:
Sekhmet, Powerful-One.
Great & terrible
lion-headed Goddess of drought & the destruction-causing power of the sun.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Jean Genet (writer) France 1910 |
Emily Jane Bronte (novelist) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 20
day 354
is dedicated to:
Selket, Scorpion.
Winged Goddess of conjugal
union & magic; Protectress of the dead; Guardian of the intestines.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 21
day 355
is dedicated to:
Semiramis, [Sublime-Dove].
Goddess of great beauty,
intelligence, love & sensuality; Creatrix of mighty civilizing works.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Jean Baptiste Racine (dramatist) France 1639 |
Franz Boas (anthropologist) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 22
day 356
is dedicated to:
Sita, The-Furrow.
Goddess of spring,
agriculture & earth; Corn Mother; the Field which brings forth bounteously.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
George Eliot (novelist) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 23
day 357
is dedicated to:
Sunna, Mistress-Sun.
Weaver of light; Goddess of
the sun; bright Bride of heaven; wind Controller; dwarf Deceiver.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Orlando Gibbons (composer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 24
day 358
is dedicated to:
G-NY*û G
Sao-Ts'ing-Niang, Broom-Lady.
Black-faced Goddess of
rain; She Who sweeps the clouds together or apart; Savior from drought.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Mathew Arnold (writer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 25
day 359
is dedicated to:
Satis, She-Who-Runs-Like-an-Arrow.
Goddess of waterfalls,
cataracts & the life-giving flood; She Who lets loose the river's force.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Issac Newton (astronomer, mathematician) |
Karel Capek (writer) |
Clarissa Harlowe Barton (organizer of American Red Cross) |
Dame Rebecca West (writer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 26
day 360
is dedicated to:
Sakti, Divine-Energy.
Goddess of cosmic energy; Will
of evolution; She Who gives birth to all force & all form.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 27
day 361
is dedicated to:
Salacia, Lady-of-the-Salt-Sea.
Goddess of springs, lakes,
the world's oceans, seas & sea mammals; fish-teeming Abyssal-womb.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina .(composer) |
Charles Lamb (essayist, critic) |
Louis (founder Pasteur of the microbiological sciences) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 28
day 362
is dedicated to:
Salmaone, Lady-of-the-East.
Goddess of Spring & the
east, the daily rising of the sun & its yearly renewal; Willow Mother.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Maggie Smith (actress) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 29
day 363
is dedicated to:
Sarasvati, She-Who-Flows-Eloquently-Onward.
Young & beautiful
four-armed Goddess of fertility, procreation, purification & literature.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Pablo Casals (virtuoso cellist) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 30
day 364
is dedicated to:
Savasi, Mighty-One.
Goddess of strength; Cosmic
Cow of the unbounded realms beyond earth; Mother of the months.
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Joseph Rudyard Kipling (writer) |
In Her Cycle of Transformations December 31
day 365
is dedicated to:
Psyche, World-Soul.
Goddess of the development
of consciousness in humanity; [Promoter of psychology & psychiatry].
On Whose day was born Her darling: |
On Whose day died Her darling: |
Henri Emile Benoit Matisse (painter) France 1869 |
on to January Goddesses
Last modified:
December, May, July 1995; July 1996;