Her Cycle of Transformations July Goddesses back to June Goddesses

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 01

day 182

is dedicated to


Penelopeia, She-Whose-Face-is-Veiled.

Greece: Hellenic.

Orgiastic Goddess of woods, mountains & springtime revelling; Matron of weaving & tapestry.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 02

day 183

is dedicated to


Prthivi, Extended-One.

India: Hindu, Vedic.

Goddess of earth; final Arbiter in matters of innocence or integrity; Matrix of existence.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 03

day 184

is dedicated to


Prajnaparamita, Wisdom-of-the-Yonder-Shore.

Indonesia: Java.

Goddess of serenity; She Who sends rays of fulfillmen & bliss from the transcendental sphere.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 04

day 185

is dedicated to


Prakrti, Primal-Material-Nature.

India: Hindu, Samkhya school.

Creator, Preserver & Destroyer; Goddess of the cosmic productive urge in Evolution's process.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 05

day 186

is dedicated to


Pomona, Apple-Queen.

Italy: Roman.

Goddess of the mellow fruitfulness of autumn; Presider over orchards; Matron of gardeners.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 06

day 187

is dedicated to


Thou, The-Self-Addressed.

Holladay-paganism: crystallization.

Shehe of integration; Unifier of polarities; Co-ordinator of the brains' two hemispheres.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 07

day 188

is dedicated to


Erzulie, ___.

America, C.Caribean, Haiti--Voodoo

Fair-skinned flirtatious Goddess of the sea, romantic love & glamorousness; poignant Mistress.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 08

day 189

is dedicated to


Ertha, Earth.


Goddess of earth & fertility; She Who is hostile to iron; Peace Bringer; Matron of witches.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 09

day 190

is dedicated to


Ursel, She-Bear.

Germanic: Saxon, Cologne.

Goddess of the moon & stars; Mother of wild-life; Teacher of fearlessness & the martial arts.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 10

day 191

is dedicated to


Theia, Divine-One.

Asia Minor: Ionian Greek.

Cow-eyed Titaness of light entitled to golden gifts; Mother Goddess of the dawn, sun & moon.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 11

day 192

is dedicated to


Thetis, Disposer.

Greece: Hellenic.

Great shape-shifting Creatrix of the universe; Goddess of night, the moon, the sea & womanhood.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 12

day 193

is dedicated to


Themis, Steadfast-One.

Greece: Hellenic.

Goddess of the solstices, orderliness, social conventions & prophesy; Mother of the seasons.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 13

day 194

is dedicated to


Thesmophoros, Law-Giving.

Greece: Hellenic.

Goddess of civilization; Introducer of all the blessings which agriculture brings in its train.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 14

day 195

is dedicated to


Thalli-Yjolta, Beating-Heart-of-Earth.


Goddess of earthquakes, [continental plates, orgasms] & other natural extremes; Dirty Lady.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 15

day 196

is dedicated to


Orthia, Upright.

Greece: Sparta.

Goddess of the moon & fertility, (perhaps of women & healing); She Who causes & cures leprosy.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 16

day 197

is dedicated to


Ometeotl, [Those-of-Duality].

Mexico: Aztec.

Divine Shehe Who is invisible as the night & impalpable as the wind; Unity of contraries.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 17

day 198

is dedicated to


Oreithyia, She-Who-Rages-Upon-the-Mountains.

Greece: Attica.

Nymph Goddess of mountains, the north wind, the passion of love, & compulsive behaviors.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 18

day 199

is dedicated to


Aurora, Golden-Dawn.

Italy: Roman.

Goddess of suffused light; Herald of the sun; Kindly Matron Who comforts us with Her arrival.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 19

day 200

is dedicated to


Tanith, [Mother].

Africa: Libya, Carthage.

Winged Goddess of the heavens; Ruler of the sun, the moon, the stars & the zodiacal cycle.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 20

day 201

is dedicated to


Ta-Dehnet, Lady-of-the-Peak.


Goddess of fresh air & healing; She Who silently watches over the dead from Her mountain.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 21

day 202

is dedicated to


Tatsuta-Hime, ----.


Shape-shifting Goddess of autumn & winds; Weaver of the multicolored tapestries of autumn.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 22

day 203

is dedicated to


Tamar, Date-Palm.

Syria: early Hebraic.

Goddess of earth, prophesy, birth & nourishment; Bestower of Sovereignty; Tree of life & birth.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 23

day 204

is dedicated to


Tara, Star.


Savior & soul Guide; Goddess of laughter, playfulness, spiritual longing, mysticism & mercy.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 24

day 205

is dedicated to


Turan, Great-Ruler.

Italy: Etruria.

Goddess of fertility, peaceful lives & sensual love; Lady of [visionary imagination &] death.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 25

day 206

is dedicated to


Tou-Mu, Mother-of-the-Pole-Star.


Goddess of light; Bushel-mother; Teacher of wisdom; Controller of the books of life & death.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 26

day 207

is dedicated to


Tefnut, Dew-of-Dawn.


She Who is the sun's power, both beneficial & destructive; Mother Goddess of sky, rain & dew.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 27

day 208

is dedicated to


Tonantzin, Our-Revered-Mother.

Mexico: Aztec.

Great Goddess of earth, the winter solstice & death; Matron of spinning, weaving & sweeping.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 28

day 209

is dedicated to


Teteovinnan, Grandmother-of-Birth.

Mexico: Aztec.

Goddess of the sun; Nature's healing power; Matron of mid-wives, doctors & fortune-tellers.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 29

day 210

is dedicated to


Telchines, Enchanters.

Greece: pre-Achaean, < Argos.

Triple, or Ennead, Goddess of water, agriculture & fate; Sea Children Who raise magic mists.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 30

day 211

is dedicated to


Tellus-Mater, Earth-Mother.

Italy: Roman.

Goddess of the soil's fruitfulness & all the states through which the sown seed passes.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

In Her Cycle of Transformations July 31

day 212

is dedicated to


Tiamat, Primeval-Being.

Mesopotamia: Babylonia.

Dragonlike Goddess of chaos, swamps, storms & the ammoniac primordial oceans of life's origins.

On Whose day was born Her darling: On Whose day died Her darling:
personal life events

on to August Goddesses

Last modified July 1996; May, June 1995. FW